


継代 維持について




御購入いただいた細胞株に添付されているProduct Information Sheetをご参照いただき、継代方法について記載されている個所:Subculturing procedureに従ってください。接着依存性の細胞は、トリプシンなどの酵素により分散し継代していただくのが一般的です。EDTAは細胞表面からカルシウムやマグネシウムなどを除去するキレート作用があり、剥離作用を促進するためトリプシンに加えられています。

Ca,Mgフリーで調整されたPBSで0.25% (w/v) trypsin / 0.03% (w/v) EDTAの適切な濃度で調整してください。まず、75cm2 のフラスコの場合には、5.0~10.0 mlのトリプシン溶液で細胞シートをリンスしてから除去してください。次に、あらたに2.0~5.0mlのトリプシン溶液を加え、細胞シートが剥離し始めるまで通常5-15分ほど観察してください。細胞のダメージを避けるために、細胞の剥離を待つ間にフラスコをたたいたりシェイクしたり等、細胞を振動しないよう注意してください。

一枚のシート状に生育した細胞は特に剥離が難しいため、37℃に保温しながら剥離しても良いでしょう。細胞がフラスコから剥離したら、血清を含む培養用の培地を加えてください。血清にはトリプシンの効果を抑えるタンパクが含まれています。このためこの段階では、必ずしも細胞を遠心回収する必要はありません。しかし、無血清培地や血清の含まれる量が少ない培地を使用している場合には、剥離処理に使用した酵素が残存しないよう、125 x gで5分間遠心し細胞を回収し、新しい培地で培養してください。細胞のペレットをピペッティングする際には、ゆっくりと穏やかに行ってください。新しいフラスコへ播種する際の継代比率は、1:2から1:20と幅広く御利用の細胞に依存するため、Product Sheetの推奨継代比率をもとに判断してください。


著者:R. Ian Freshney (Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York).
著書:Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique, 3rd edition,
該当箇所:Chapter 10


How should I subculture a monolayer?


Refer to the product sheet included with your ATCC cell line for the subculturing procedure recommended for that particular cell line. Anchorage-dependent cell lines are usually subcultured by disaggregation of the cell sheet with proteolytic enzymes such as trypsin. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), a chelating agent, may be added to the dissociation solution to enhance the activity of the trypsin by removing calcium and magnesium from the surfaces of the cells.

An appropriate solution for general use is a solution of 0.25% (w/v) trypsin to 0.03% (w/v) EDTA prepared in saline without divalent cations (such as calcium- and magnesium-free phosphate buffered saline). Rinse the cell sheet with the trypsin solution (e.g., 5.0 to 10.0 ml/75 sq. cm flask) and remove. Add a small amount of trypsin solution to cell sheet (2.0 to 5.0 ml/75 sq. cm flask) and observe until the cell sheet is dispersed (usually within 5 to 15 min). To avoid clumping, do not agitate the cells by hitting or shaking the flask while waiting for the cells to detach.

Monolayers that are particularly difficult to detach can be placed at 37oC to facilitate dispersal. Once the cells lift off the surface of the flask, add growth medium containing serum to the flask. Serum contains proteins that will suppress the activity of the trypsin. It is not usually necessary to centrifuge the cells at this step. However, if either serum-free or low serum medium is used, centrifuge the cells at 125 x g for 5 min to remove the residual dissociation solution. Aspirate the cells by pipetting gently, and then disperse the cells to new flasks. The subculture ratio will vary from 1:2 to 1:20 or greater depending on the cell line. Consult the product sheet for the recommended dilution ratio.

Trypsin can be damaging to the membranes of some cell types. Gently scraping the cell sheet from the surface of the flask into a small amount of medium and then aspirating the mixture to obtain a cell suspension may disperse these cells. Individually wrapped sterile cell scrapers, which are available from a number of commercial vendors, may be used for this purpose. For further detail on enzymatic solutions and the maintenance of cell lines, consult Chapter 10 in Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique, 3rd edition, (1994) by R. Ian Freshney (Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York).




まず、Subculture(継代)とは、ひとつのフラスコから他のフラスコへ細胞を移植する際の作業を意味します。同意語としてPassageやSplitなどという用語も用いられています。subculture intervalとは、引き続き行われる次の継代作業までの間の時間を意味します。Suculture number(継代数)とは、フラスコからフラスコへと継代が何回繰り返されたかを意味します。接着依存性の細胞株は、コンフルエントな状態もしくはコンフルエントに近い状態で継代が行われます。しかし、ある種の細胞系では100%のコンフルエント状態には至らずコロニーやドームを形成することがあるので、細胞がフラスコ上でコンフルエントに達したように見たら継代作業を行ってください。

ATCC CCL-92 (3T3-Swiss albino)細胞株のように接触阻害が起こりえる細胞株の場合には、接触阻害の影響をうけにくい多様性をもつ細胞が次第に選択されていかないようにコンフルエントに至る前に継代をしなければなりません。対数増殖期でも十分な栄養が行き届くよう継代時の細胞数は低密度で播種するようにしてください。もし細胞密度を減らさずに培地交換のみを実施すると、細胞は急激に栄養を消費し死滅してしまうでしょう。もし細胞が推奨密度以下まで希釈された場合、細胞周期が遅滞期に入り増殖がとても遅くなるか、死滅してしまうこともあります。この飽和密度とこれら状況により、継代の間隔は異なります。よって、浮遊系の細胞には日々細胞数をカウントすることを推奨いたします。


How often should I subculture a cell line?


Subculture refers to the transplantation of cells from one vessel to another. The term subculture is synonymous with the terms passage and split. The subculture interval is the time between subsequent subcultures. The subculture number is simply the number of times a culture has been transferred from one vessel to another. Adherence-dependent cell lines are generally subcultured either at or near confluency. However, some cell lines never reach 100% confluency but grow in colonies or domes and should be subcultured when the cells appear to have reached a maximum density for that particular cell line and vessel.

Contact-inhibited cell lines such as ATCC CCL-92 (3T3-Swiss albino) should be subcultured before they reach confluency to avoid gradual selection of contact-insensitive variants. Suspension cell lines should be subcultured before they reach their maximum saturation density (the number of cells per unit volume of medium). This usually varies between 3 x 105 and 2 x 106. The cells must be diluted to a lower cell concentration to allow sufficient nutrients for resumption of logarithmic growth. If the medium is simply replaced and the cell density is not decreased, cells will rapidly deplete the medium and die. If the cells are diluted below their minimum density, they will either enter into a lag phase and grow very slowly, or they will die. The saturation densities and hence subculture intervals for each suspension line will vary. Therefore, daily cell counts are the best way to monitor suspension lines.




浮遊系の細胞株の場合は、もし容器に余裕があるのであれば単純に新しい培地を追加添加するか、遠心回収して古い培地を捨て新しい培地に懸濁して再度培養するという方法を推奨します。ほとんどの浮遊細胞系の細胞株で推奨されている手法は培地の単純な追加添加です。どちらの方法にしても、細胞飽和密度に達する前に培地を補充することが必要となります。この播種密度は、酸素濃度、静置培養もしくは旋回培養、等の条件により、3 x 10(5)~ 2 x 10(6)cells までの幅で異なります。




How do I change the medium in (feed) a suspension culture?


Suspension cell lines can be fed by the simple addition of fresh medium to the culture (if room is available) or by separating the cells from the old medium by centrifugation (125 x g for 5 min) with subsequent resuspension of the cell pellet in fresh medium. However, with most suspension cell lines, a simple addition of medium is the preferred method. In either case it is absolutely necessary to feed the cultures before the cells reach their maximum saturation density. This can range between 3 x 105 to 2 x 106 depending on the cell line and the culture conditions (stationary versus stirred, oxygenation levels, etc.).

The cells must be diluted to a lower cell concentration to allow sufficient nutrients for resumption of logarithmic growth. If the medium is simply replaced and the cell density is not decreased cells will rapidly deplete the medium and die. If the cells are diluted below their minimum density they will either enter into a lag phase and grow very slowly, or they will die. The saturation densities and hence subculture intervals for each suspension line will vary. Therefore, daily cell counts are the best way to monitor suspension cell lines.




想定されうる病原体の有無をすべての細胞株について検査することは現実的に不可能です。このため、すべてのヒトや霊長類といった細胞株を扱う上では、HIV, HPVを保有する細胞株と同じ生物危険度で扱うことを強く推奨いたします。生物学的安全キャビネット内で、機械式のピペッターを使用した最小限の操作を行い、汚染した容器はすべて洗浄、廃棄する前に滅菌してください。研究室の安全管理基準に関する情報は、下記資料を参照してください。

1. 著者:Caputo, J.L
タイトル:Biosafety procedures in cell culture
該当箇所:J. Tissue Culture Methods 11:223.

2. タイトル:U.S. Government Publication, Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories Human Health Service Publication No. (CDC) 93-8395. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services; 3rd Edition, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington D.C.).

上記情報はCDC(the Center for Disease Control Office of Health and Safety)のウエブサイト:www.cdc.gov/od/ohs から参照いただけます。

3. 著者:Fleming, D.O., et al.
タイトル:Laboratory Safety: Principles and Practice, 2nd ed. (ASM Press, Washington, DC).


I have just received a human tumor cell line. What are the biohazards associated with this line? How should I work with it?


It is not feasible to test every cell line for the presence of every possible adventitious agent. It is strongly recommended that all human and other primate cell lines be handled at the same biosafety level as a cell line known to carry HIV or hepatitis virus. At the very minimum all cell manipulations should be carried out using mechanical pipetting devices in a vertical laminar flow biosafety cabinet and all contaminated material should be decontaminated before washing or disposal. Detailed discussions of laboratory safety procedures are provided in the references below:

1. Caputo, J.L. Biosafety procedures in cell culture. (1988) J. Tissue Culture Methods 11:223.

2. U.S. Government Publication, Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories Human Health Service Publication No. (CDC) 93-8395. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services; 3rd Edition, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington D.C.).This publication is available in its entirety in the Center for Disease Control Office of Health and Safety's Web site at www.cdc.gov/od/ohs.

3. Fleming, D.O., et al. (1995) Laboratory Safety: Principles and Practice, 2nd ed. (ASM Press, Washington, DC).




全ての細胞が浮遊状態で培養できるわけではありません。一般的には、通常の二倍体で接着増殖する細胞は、接着媒体となるマイクロキャリアビーズを使用せずに浮遊状態で培養することは出来ません。接着依存ではない細胞株:L-929 (ATCC CCL-1) や HeLa (ATCC CCL-2)では、既に浮遊状態で培養されており、多様性のある細胞株が存在します。

浮遊状態で培養するための重要な点は、細胞株自体と浮遊培養用に特別に調整された培地を使用する事です。細胞は250ml~1000mlサイズのスピナーフラスコ容器で容器容量に対し半量の培地を使用して振盪培養するのが一般的で、ガラス容器の場合にはマグネット式のスターラーバーを中に入れて50~100rpmの速度で懸濁してください。スピナーフラスコを使用する際の培地には、細胞の凝集を防ぐためにカルシウムやマグネシウム不含のMEM medium (GIBCO BRL Cat. No. 22300; BioWhittaker Cat. No.12-126Q; Sigma Cat. No. M4767; Irvine Scientific Cat. No. 9489),が使用されることが一般的で、血清が添加されている培地の場合に泡立ちを防ぐためはantifoaming agentを添加しても良いでしょう。


編集者:J. Mather and D. Barnes, eds. (Academic Press, New York)
タイトル:Animal Cell Culture Methods
該当箇所:Chapter 12

著者:R. Ian Freshney (Wiley- Liss, Inc., New York);
著書:Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique, 3rd ed.,
該当箇所:Chapter 10

著者:W. B. Jacoby and I. H. Pasten, eds. (Academic Press, New York).
著書:Methods in Enzymology: Cell Culture Vol. 58 該当箇所:Chapters 15 and 17


How can I adapt a monolayer cell line to grow in suspension culture?


Not all cell lines can be adapted to suspension growth. In general, normal diploid anchorage-dependent (must be attached to a substrate to grow) cells cannot be adapted without the use of microcarrier beads to which they can attach. Lines such as L-929 (ATCC CCL-1) and HeLa (ATCC CCL-2) which are not anchorage-dependent can be adapted and variants that grow in suspension already exist.

Patience, and the use of specially modified suspension culture medium, are the keys to adapting cells to suspension growth. Cultures are usually grown in a small 250 ml to 1,000 ml spinner cultures (with half that volume of actual medium), in glass vessels with a stirring paddle suspended inside that is driven at approximately 50 to 100 rpm by a magnetic stirrer. The spinner/suspension culture medium, such as Joklik's modified MEM medium (GIBCO BRL Cat. No. 22300; BioWhittaker Cat. No.12-126Q; Sigma Cat. No. M4767; Irvine Scientific Cat. No. 9489), usually omits calcium and magnesium ions to help prevent clumping and may require an antifoaming agent if serum is used to prevent foaming from the serum.

The glass culture vessel is usually coated with a siliconizing compound to prevent the cells from sticking to the glass. Initially, most of the cells will plate out on the glass surface of the vessel or form large clumps with each other. At each passage, those cells that are in suspension are used to inoculate the next vessel. With time, a population of cells may be selected that does not self-aggregate or adhere to glass as readily as the parental line. Bear in mind that the newly selected line may have lost or acquired characteristics independent that are different from the original cell population. For further detail on suspension cell culture techniques, consult Chapter 12 in Animal Cell Culture Methods (1998), J. Mather and D. Barnes, eds. (Academic Press, New York); Chapter 10 in Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique, 3rd ed., (1994) by R. Ian Freshney (Wiley- Liss, Inc., New York); Chapters 15 and 17 in Methods in Enzymology: Cell Culture, Vol. 58 (1979), W. B. Jacoby and I. H. Pasten, eds. (Academic Press, New York).




ATCC catalogやATCC product sheetsに推奨されている培地でない、他社の培地を使用することはできますか?





Can I use a different medium from the one recommended in the ATCC catalog or listed on the ATCC product sheets?


ATCC generally lists in the catalog and product sheet either the medium recommended by the originator of the cell line or a standard medium formulation that has been found to be effective otherwise. However, other unspecified media may also be entirely satisfactory. It may be prudent to prepare a seed stock using the originally prescribed medium and other conditions before attempting a substitution.

Two approaches can be used. The simplest method is to simply change the medium to the desired alternative formula and then pass the cell line 3 to 5 times to force it to adapt to the new conditions. A more gentle approach is to subculture the cells at a 1:2 split ratio into two identical culture vessels with one vessel containing the original medium and the other containing a mixture of 50% original medium and 50% new medium. The effects of the new medium formulation on the cells can then be easily observed by comparing the growth in the cultures with the medium mixture with the culture containing only the original medium formulation. Once the cells in the mixed culture have become confluent, the process can be repeated by again splitting the mixed culture at a 1:2 ratio into two identical vessels. This time one vessel should contain 50% original medium and 50% new medium while the second culture has 25% original medium and 75% new medium. Once this second culture has become confluent it can be subcultured into 100% new medium.


Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium培地にはEarle's 塩、非必須アミノ酸、グルタミン、重炭酸ナトリウムをどの程度必要としますか?


MEM(Minimum essential medium)は、Eagle氏により「必要最小限(bare bone)、又はかなり単純な培地」として開発され、様々な組成の培地として市販されています。このMEMの組成成分の違いが細胞の不生育を引き起こすことがあり、市販されている培地ボトルのラベルや、カタログに記載されている注意事項をよくお読みいただくことが重要です。この培地は、一般的に緩衝剤としてEarle's balanced saltsもしくは Hanks' balanced saltsが含まれており、最適な培地条件となっています。

最も一般的に入手が可能となっている培地は、通常製造工程の段階において、適切な重炭酸ナトリウム(Earle's formulationsは終濃度:2.2g/L、Hanks' formulationsは終濃度:0.35g/L)が加えられており、追加で添加する必要はありません。粉末状の培地の場合には、培地を膨潤して作成する段階において適切な濃度の重炭酸ナトリウムの添加が必要となります。ご利用される培地の製造メーカーの指示に従い、必要な濃度となるよう添加してください。インキュベーター内部の二酸化炭素濃度が約5%の場合、Earle's 塩類を使用することが推奨されています。この培地を使用する場合は、フラスコのスクリューキャップを緩め、完全に密閉せず、5%のCO2インキュベーター内で使用するか、フラスコ内の空気を5%二酸化炭素濃度で置換してからスクリューキャップを閉めて密閉してから培養するべき培地となっています。一方で、Hanks'塩類はEarle's塩類と比べ重炭酸ナトリウム濃度が低く、緩衝の許容範囲が狭いために二酸化炭素ガスの供給がない条件下で使用しなければならない培地となっています。このため、培地中のpHを維持するため、バッファーを添加してフラスコのスクリューキャップは密閉して培養を行ってください。


他の良く推奨される添加物としては、ピルビン酸ナトリウムがあります。これは滅菌済みのストックが市販されており、終濃度1mMとなるように添加し使用することが推奨されています。また、L-glutamineは、市販の培地に含まれていなければ、すべての培地において終濃度2mMとなるように添加するべきです。また、重炭酸ナトリウムについては、市販の培地に含まれていない場合、Earle's塩類で調整された培地の場合には終濃度:2.2 g/Lとなるように、Hanks' 塩類で調整された培地の場合には終濃度:0.35 g/Lとなるように、それぞれ無菌的に調整し添加てください。そのほか、浮遊系の細胞増殖を促進させるため、カルシウム、及びマグネシウム濃度が軽減されている培地も存在します。ATCC純正培地の組成成分はATCCのウエブサイトからご覧ください。また、市販培地の組成成分表は、その培地を入手されたメーカーにご連絡し、入手し各種組成成分の濃度を御確認するようにしてください。


How much Earle's salts is required with Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium? How much nonessential amino acids? Do I need glutamine? Sodium bicarbonate?


Minimum essential medium (MEM) was developed by Eagle as a "bare bones" or very simple medium and is commercially available in many different formulations. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO READ CATALOG DESCRIPTIONS AND MEDIA BOTTLE LABELS CAREFULLY SINCE MEDIA MIXUPS ARE A LEADING CAUSE OF CELL CULTURE PROBLEMS. These formulations usually incorporate either Earle's or Hanks' balanced salts to provide appropriate buffering of the medium.

Most commercially available liquid media usually have the appropriate bicarbonate levels (2.2 g/L for Earle's formulations and 0.35 g/L for Hanks' formulations) added during manufacturing and do not require additional bicarbonate. Powdered media require sodium bicarbonate when the medium is reconstituted. Follow the manufacturer's directions for the recommended amounts.Earle's salts are recommended when carbon dioxide (approximately 5%) is added to the gas phase of the incubator. This medium should either be used with unsealed culture vessels in a CO2 incubator, or in a sealed vessel that has been gassed with 5% CO2 after filling.Hanks' salts have a lower bicarbonate level and less buffering capacity than Earle's salts and are designed to be used without addition of carbon dioxide to the gas phase. Thus, a sealed culture vessel should be used with this buffering solution to maintain pH.

Because MEM is a simple medium, it is often recommended that additional supplements or higher levels of serum be used to improve cell growth. One such supplement is a solution of nonessential amino acids, which can be prepared or purchased separately as a sterile stock (often 10 mM; 100X), that is aseptically added to the medium for a final concentration of 0.1 mM each. MEM can also be purchased with nonessential amino acids already added.

Sodium pyruvate, another frequently recommended supplement, can be purchased as a sterile stock and added to a final concentration of 1 mM. L-glutamine (2 mM) is always required and must be added if it is not already included in the formulation purchased. Sodium bicarbonate (2.2 g/L for Earle's formulations and 0.35 g/L for Hanks' formulations) is also required and must be added if not already included.In addition, there are formulations that eliminate calcium and magnesium to facilitate the growth of cells in suspension. Check ATCC's Web site to search our media formulations or contact media manufacturers for complete formulations of the most common cell culture media.



培地にL-glutaminの添加は必要ですか?どの程度のL-glutaminを添加したらよいですか?なぜ information sheetにL-glutaminの記載がないのですか?


L-グルタミンは、哺乳類や無脊椎動物由来のすべての細胞株において実質的に必要とされる必須アミノ酸で、現在、細胞の維持や生育、培養条件の開発などに必要とされる栄養素です。L-グルタミンは液状の培地条件下では多少不安定であるため、市販の粉末培地には既に含有されているものがあるものの、市販の液体培地の場合には不含培地となっているものもあります。もしオリジナルの培地に含まれていないようであれば、使用する前に無菌的に添加しなければなりません。 既に添加されている培地であれば、追加で添加することにより、その培地の使用期限を延長することが可能です。液体のL-グルタミンは細胞培養用の培地を販売するほとんどメーカーで購入が可能です。哺乳動物由来の細胞に対するL-グルタミンの至適濃度は、Medium 199では終濃度:0.68mM、Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium.においては終濃度:4mMと、最適な濃度の幅が広くなっています。無脊椎動物用の培地であるSchneider's Drosophila培地においては、終濃度:12.3mMとかなり高くなっています。細胞培養によるアミノ酸の影響については、下記の著書にて詳細が述べられていますのでご参照ください。

著者:M.K. Patterson, Jr.
タイトル:Nutrition and Metabolism of Cells in Culture
該当箇所:Chapter 6, volume 1 of Growth
編集者:G.H. Rothblat and V.J. Cristofalo (Academic Press, New York)


Does my ATCC cell culture require L-glutamine in the medium? Why isn't L-glutamine listed on the information sheet? How much L-glutamine should I add?


L-glutamine is an essential amino acid required by virtually all mammalian and invertebrate cell lines. It is an ingredient of all media formulations currently used for cell culture development, growth and maintenance. Because L-glutamine is somewhat unstable in liquid media, it is often omitted from commercial liquid media preparations but included in powdered formulations. If it is not included in the original preparation, it must be aseptically added to the medium prior to use. Additional L-glutamine can also be added to media to extend its shelf life. Liquid L-glutamine can be purchased from most commercial vendors of cell culture reagents. L-glutamine concentrations for mammalian cells can vary from 0.68 mM for Medium 199 to 4 mM for Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium. Invertebrate cell culture media such as Schneider's Drosophila medium may contain as much as 12.3 mM L-glutamine. For more detail on the utilization of amino acids by cell cultures, consult Chapter 6 by M.K. Patterson, Jr. in volume 1 of Growth, Nutrition and Metabolism of Cells in Culture, 1972, edited by G.H. Rothblat and V.J. Cristofalo (Academic Press, New York).

Chapter 6 by M.K. Patterson, Jr. in volume 1 of Growth, Nutrition and Metabolism of Cells in Culture, 1972, edited by G.H. Rothblat and V.J.




ピルビン酸塩は解糖系の代謝物で、エムデン-マイヤーホフ経路(EM経路)でグルコースが有機酸として異化された最初の代謝産物です。このことから、培養用培地への添加によりエネルギー源と、同化作用プロセスのための炭素骨格が添加されたことになります。培地中の血清が減らされたり、細胞をクローニングする際など、ある特別な条件下で培養される細胞にとっては、このピルビン酸塩を追加添加することがとても重要なポイントとなります。(Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique, 3rd edition, (1994) by R. Ian Freshney (Wiley- Liss, Inc., New York). ピルビン酸ナトリウムは、蛍光により誘導される光毒性を低減させます(Spierenberg, G.T., et al. (1984) Phototoxicity of N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-ethanesulfonic acid-buffered culture media for human leukemic cell lines. Cancer Research 44:2253)。一般的には、ピルビン酸ナトリウムは10 mM (100X)の保存用ストックが市販されており、終濃度:0.1 mMとして培地に添加し使用されます。


Why do some cell lines require sodium pyruvate? How much should I add to the medium?


Pyruvate is an intermediary organic acid metabolite in glycolysis and the first of the Embden Myerhoff pathway that can pass readily into or out of the cell.Thus, its addition to tissue culture medium provides both an energy source and a carbon skeleton for anabolic processes. Its addition may help in maintaining certain specialized cells, may help when cloning and may be necessary when the serum concentration is reduced in the medium (Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique, 3rd edition, (1994) by R. Ian Freshney (Wiley- Liss, Inc., New York). Sodium pyruvate may also help reduced fluorescent light-induced phototoxicity (Spierenberg, G.T., et al. (1984) Phototoxicity of N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-ethanesulfonic acid-buffered culture media for human leukemic cell lines. Cancer Research 44:2253). Usually sodium pyruvate is added to give a final concentration of 0.1 mM. Sodium pyruvate is commercially available as a 10 mM (100X) stock solution.






Why is oxalacetate used in cell culture? Can oxalacetic acid be used as a substitute for oxalacetate?


Oxalacetic acid is an essential component of the Krebs cycle where it combines with acetyl-coenzyme A to yield citric acid. Thus, it is a necessary intermediate in the intercyclic pathway between the Embden-Meyerhof cycle and the Krebs cycle. The decarboxylation of oxalacetic acid gives pyruvic acid and CO2. The prime function of these cycles is the production of energy and the shunting out of these acids effectively slows the cycle down. Therefore, keto acids, such as pyruvate and oxalacetic, are frequently added to tissue culture media formulations to maintain maximum cell metabolism. Oxalacetic acid also provides a carbon skeleton for transamination reactions. As components of tissue culture media, the terms oxalacetate and oxalacetic acid are used interchangeably.




HEPESや他の有機バッファーは様々な細胞にとって有効なバッファーです(参照: Shipman, C. (1969) Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 130: 305)。しかしながら、ある分化した細胞株にとっては特にその成分が毒性を示す場合があり、ルーチンワークとして使用する場合には一度評価試験を実施さたほうが良いでしょう(参照:People, C.A., et al., (1982) In Vitro 18: 755)。また、培地が蛍光に露光されることにより誘導される光毒性について、HEPESが培地に存在することによりその感度が劇的に増大するという以下の報告もあります。

著者:Zigler, J.S., et al.
タイトル:Analysis of the cytotoxic effects of light-exposed HEPES-containing culture medium.
雑誌名:In Vitro 21: 282.

著者:Spierenberg, G.T., et al.
タイトル:Phototoxicity of N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-ethanesulfonic acid-buffered culture media for human leukemic cell lines.
雑誌名:Cancer Research 44:2253


Can I use HEPES buffer in my cell culture medium?


HEPES and other organic buffers can be used effectively with many cell lines (see Shipman, C. (1969) Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 130: 305). However, be aware that the compound can be toxic, especially for some differentiated cell types, so its effects should be evaluated before routine use (People, C.A., et al., (1982) In Vitro 18: 755). HEPES has also been shown to greatly increase the sensitivity of media to the phototoxic effects induced by exposure to fluorescent light.

[Zigler, J.S., et al. (1985) Analysis of the cytotoxic effects of light-exposed HEPES-containing culture medium. In Vitro 21: 282. Spierenberg, G.T., et al. (1984) Phototoxicity of N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-ethanesulfonic acid-buffered culture media for human leukemic cell lines. Cancer Research 44:2253.




脊椎動物由来から樹立されたほとんどの細胞株について、大きな浸透圧の変化に対し耐性があります。脊椎動物由来の樹立細胞が耐えられる浸透圧の範囲は、260~320mOSM/kg程度です。無脊椎動物から樹立された細胞株については細胞ごとの感受性に幅がある為に細胞ごとに浸透性耐圧は異なるようです。一例としては、ヘビ胎児:ATCC CRL-1494では浸透圧が155mOSM/kgの培地が必要で、一方昆虫由来の細胞では360~375mOSM/kgの浸透圧が最適であるという状況です。特に生理的食塩水や酸、塩基水などで溶解しなければならないホルモンやHEPESなどの大量のバッファーを添加した後の培地においては、どのような培地であっても浸透圧を確認しておくことが望ましいでしょう。培地の浸透圧は培地の蒸発を誘発することから、培養用プレートからの蒸散を防ぐためにCO2インキュベーターの湿度は十分に保つことが重要です。更なる情報については、下記報告をご参照ください。

著者:Waymouth, C.
タイトル:Osmolality of mammalian blood and of media for culture of mammalian cells. In Vitro


What should the osmolality of my cell culture medium be?


Most established vertebrate lines will tolerate a rather large variation in osmotic pressure. The useful range of osmolality of cell culture media for vertebrate lines is between 260 to 320 mOSM/kg. Invertebrate lines vary greatly in their sensitivity to osmotic pressure. For example, the snail embryo ATCC CRL-1494 requires medium of about 155 mOSM/kg, while some insect media prefer 360 to 375 mOSM/kg. It is advisable to check the osmolality of any medium, especially after addition of saline solutions, drugs or hormones that must initially be dissolved in an acid or a basic solution, or after addition of large volumes of buffers (i.e., HEPES). Since the osmolality of culture media can rise as a result of evaporation, CO2 incubators must be well humidified in order to prevent evaporation from culture plates. For additional information, refer to: Waymouth, C. (1970) Osmolality of mammalian blood and of media for culture of mammalian cells. In Vitro 6:109.





培養される細胞からも二酸化炭素が産生され、また生育や生存のためには少量の成分が必要とされます。重炭酸ナトリウムの終濃度が4mM(0.34g/L)であれば、二酸化炭素ガスの無い状態で細胞を培養することも可能です。この場合、フラスコのキャップは密閉して培養してください。もし細胞が5%もしくは10%の二酸化炭素濃度を必要とする場合、初期のpHが37℃でpH7.6となるよう調整にするために、培地中に含まれる重炭酸ナトリウムの濃度をそれぞれ23.5mM (1.97g/L) 、47mM (3.95g/L)となるように調整し培養してください。これらの状況の下では、培養フラスコは密閉せずキャップを緩め、またディッシュなどを使用することで、二酸化炭素ガスを培地中に平衡化してください。 更なる詳細については下記の資料をご参照下さい。

著者:W.F. McLimans
編集者:G.H. Rothblat and V.J. Cristofalo, eds. (Academic Press, New York).
タイトル:Growth, Nutrition and Metabolism of Cells in Culture,
該当箇所:Chapter 5, Vol.1


What are the recommended carbon dioxide (CO2) levels needed to grow a cell culture?


While the levels of carbon dioxide in cell culture systems vary from that in ambient air (about 0.03%) up to 40% in air, generally either no added CO2 or 5% to 10% CO2 in air are the most frequently used. It is very important to adjust the concentration of sodium bicarbonate used in a medium to that required for equilibration with the level of CO2 used in the gas phase.

Cells in culture produce CO2 and require small amounts of the compound for growth and survival. If no CO2 is added and mass cell cultures are being propagated, anhydrous sodium bicarbonate at 4 mM (0.34 g/L) can be used. However, the culture vessel should be kept sealed (caps on flasks should be tight). If 5% or 10% CO2 is desired, use 23.5 mM (1.97 g/L) or 47 mM (3.95 g/L) sodium bicarbonate, respectively, for an initial pH of about 7.6 at 37oC. Under these conditions unsealed (loose caps) culture flasks or dishes must be used to allow the gases to equilibrate. For more detail on the gaseous environment for the mammalian cell in culture, consult Chapter 5 by W.F. McLimans in Growth, Nutrition and Metabolism of Cells in Culture, Vol.1 (1972), G.H. Rothblat and V.J. Cristofalo, eds. (Academic Press, New York).




CO2を必要としない培地(CRCM-30(Macy, M.L., and Shannon, J.E. (1977) TCA Manual 1: 3)や、L-15 medium)を使用して培養することが可能な細胞があります。通常は3-5回目の継代が可能であれば十分に使用できる培地であると判断できるでしょう。しかしながら、例えばクローニングされた細胞など、低い密度で樹立された細胞の場合には一般的に二酸化炭素のガスが必要となります。


著者:R. Ian Freshney (Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York).
著書:Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique, 3rd edition,
該当箇所:p. 80


Are there tissue culture media that do not require using a CO2 incubator?


Some cell lines may be maintained satisfactorily on an alternative medium such as CRCM-30 (Macy, M.L., and Shannon, J.E. (1977) TCA Manual 1: 3), L-15 medium, or CO2-independent medium (GIBCO BRL Cat. No. 18045) which do not require CO2 in the gas phase.

You can usually determine if a medium is satisfactory by using it with the cell line in question for 3 to 5 passages. However, cultures established at very low concentrations (e.g., cloning) usually require CO2 in the gas phase. An alternative to using a CO2 incubator is to have a 5% CO2 gas tank at your work site and stream filtered CO2 into the gas phase above the medium prior to sealing them (p. 80 in Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique, 3rd edition, (1994) by R. Ian Freshney (Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York).





編集者:W. B. Jacoby and I. H. Pasten, eds. (Academic Press, New York).
タイトル:Methods in Enzymology: Cell Culture,
該当箇所:Chapter 7, Vol. 58,


Can antibiotics and/or antimycotic agents be added to the cell culture medium?


Most cell culture technologists avoid using antibiotics for routine culture work. Antibiotics may mask contamination by susceptible bacteria and fungi while permitting mycoplasma to flourish unnoticed. Antibiotics may interfere with the metabolism of sensitive cells in culture. However, one may elect to introduce antibiotics for short periods to primary cultures or as a safeguard while propagating specific valuable stocks (e.g., cells obtained directly from ATCC) to produce working stocks. Typical concentrations are 50 to 100 units penicillin G, 50 to 100 μg gentamicin sulfate or 2.5 μg amphotericin B/ml of culture medium. See Chapter 7 in Methods in Enzymology: Cell Culture, (1979) Vol. 58, W. B. Jacoby and I. H. Pasten, eds. (Academic Press, New York).






1. 著者:Wang, R.J.
タイトル:Effect of Room Fluorescent Light on the Deterioration of Tissue Culture Medium
雑誌名:In Vitro 12:19.

2. 著者:Zigler, J.S., et al.
タイトル:Analysis of the cytotoxic effects of light-exposed HEPES-containing culture medium.
雑誌名:In Vitro 21: 282

3. 著者:Spierenberg, G.T., et al.
タイトル:Phototoxicity of N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-ethanesulfonic acid-buffered culture media for human leukemic cell lines
雑誌名:Cancer Research 44: 2253.


Why is it important to limit exposure of cell culture media to fluorescent lights?


An important but often overlooked source of chemical contamination results from the exposure of media containing riboflavin or tryptophan to normal fluorescent lighting (see references below). These media components are photoactivated by UV radiation emitted from most fluorescent lights and give rise to hydrogen peroxide. This generates free radicals that are toxic to cells; the longer the exposure the greater the toxicity. HEPES (an organic buffer commonly used to supplement bicarbonate based buffers) appears to increase the phototoxic exposure effects (2, 3).

Sodium pyruvate has been shown to reduce or eliminate this phototoxicity (3). Short-term exposure of media to room or hood lighting when feeding cultures is usually not a significant problem. However, leaving media on lab benches for extended periods, storing media in walk-in cold rooms with the lights on, or using refrigerators with glass doors where fluorescent light exposure is more extensive will lead to a gradual deterioration in the quality of the media.

1. Wang, R.J. (1976) Effect of Room Fluorescent Light on the Deterioration of Tissue Culture Medium. In Vitro 12:19.

2. Zigler, J.S., et al. (1985) Analysis of the cytotoxic effects of light-exposed HEPES-containing culture medium. In Vitro 21: 282.

3. Spierenberg, G.T., et al. (1984) Phototoxicity of N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-ethanesulfonic acid-buffered culture media for human leukemic cell lines. Cancer Research 44: 2253.







What is the best way to thaw fetal bovine serum?


Remove the serum from frozen storage and place it overnight in a refrigerator at 2oC to 6oC. Transfer the bottles to a 37oC water bath. Agitate the bottles from time to time in order to mix the solutes that tend to concentrate at the bottom of the bottle. Do not keep the serum at 37oC any longer than necessary to completely thaw it. Thawing serum in a bath above 40oC without mixing may lead to the formation of a precipitate inside the bottle. We don't recommend thawing the serum at high temperature.






Why is my serum cloudy after thawing?


The procedures used to prepare both ATCC and other brands of serum may retain some fibrinogen. Since external factors may initiate the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin, flocculent material or turbidity may be observed after thawing. Testing of serum after this has happened indicates that it does not alter its ability to function as a supplement for cell culture media. If the presence of flocculent material or turbidity is a concern, it can be removed by filtration through a 0.45 μm filter. A precipitate can form in serum that is incubated at 37oC for prolonged periods of time. Electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis indicate that the precipitate may include crystals of calcium phosphate. The formation of a calcium phosphate precipitate does not alter the performance of the serum as a supplement for cell culture.





多くの細胞では牛胎児血清(FBS)の代わりに、子牛血清(CS)や、鉄分を補充した子牛血清(CS)で培養、増殖することが可能です。もしこれが可能であるならば、血清の使用に関する手順が削減されたり、費用を削減することにもつながります。インシュリンやセレニウム、特にトランスフェリンを培地に添加することで、最適な生育環境に必要とされる血清の量を大幅に削減することが可能です(参照:Barnes, D., and Sato, G. (1980) Anal. Biochem. 102:255.)。低血清濃度で細胞を生育させるため培地に加えられるこれら添加物や、その他(例えば、リノレイン酸、血清アルブミン)についても、現在ほとんどが市販されているので簡単に入手することが可能です。無血清培地での細胞増殖に関する更なる情報は、下記資料をご参照ください。

編集者:J. Mather and D. Barnes, eds. (Academic Press, New York);
タイトル:Animal Cell Culture Methods
該当箇所:Chapter 2

著者:R. Ian Freshney, (Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York);
タイトル:Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique, 3rd ed.,
該当箇所:Chapter 7

編集者:W. B. Jacoby and I. H. Pasten, eds. (Academic Press, New York).
タイトル:Methods in Enzymology: Cell Culture, Vol. 58,
該当箇所:Chapter 6


Are there any alternatives to using fetal bovine serum?


Due to the fluctuating and increasing cost of fetal bovine serum many cell culture scientists are trying to find serum substitutes. In addition, many specialized cell types do not grow or function well in serum-containing medium. As a result a substantial amount of research as been done to develop serum-free media and serum substitutes. In some cases it is possible simply to reduce the concentration of fetal bovine serum without altering cell line growth or other properties. For example, the human colon cancer line ATCC CCL-227 (SW620) proliferates equally well in DMEM supplemented with 1%, 5%, or 10% fetal bovine serum.

Alternatively, it may be possible to propagate many lines in bovine calf serum or iron-supplemented bovine calf serum instead of fetal bovine serum. If successful, either method will reduce serum use and costs significantly. The addition of insulin, selenium, and especially transferrin to culture media may substantially reduce the amount of serum required for optimal proliferation (Barnes, D., and Sato, G. (1980) Anal. Biochem. 102:255.). Many preparations are now commercially available with these and other ingredients (e.g., linoleic acid, serum albumin) to permit cell growth at low serum concentrations. For further detail on growing cells in serum-free media, consult Chapter 2 in Animal Cell Culture Methods (1998), J. Mather and D. Barnes, eds. (Academic Press, New York); Chapter 7 in Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique, 3rd ed., 1994, by R. Ian Freshney, (Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York); Chapter 6 in Methods in Enzymology: Cell Culture, Vol. 58, (1979) W. B. Jacoby and I. H. Pasten, eds. (Academic Press, New York).






著者:Rudnicki, M.A., and McBurney, M.W.
タイトル:Teratocarcinomas and Embryonic Stem Cells - A Practical Approach (IRL Press Ltd., Oxford)
該当箇所:p. 75

著者:Weiss, S.A., et al.
タイトル:Meth. Mol. Biol.



1. 次の指示に従って血清の解凍(非動化)を行ってください。

2. 前もって、ウォーターバスを56℃まで温めておいてください。血清ボトルを沈めた際に、ボトルに入っている血清の高さを超えるまで十分な水がウォーターバスに存在するようにしてください。

3. 溶解した血清を穏やかに振盪し混和したら、56℃のウォーターバスにて静置してください。(この段階でウォーターバスの温度が下がります)

4. 再び56℃に戻ったら、30分間熱処理を加え、その間各5分ごとに穏やかに均一になるよう混和して下さい。

5. 血清をウォーターバスから引き揚げて冷ましてください。推奨の保存温度で保管してください。ATCCでは血清は-70℃で保存しています。可能であれば-70℃で、さもなければ-20℃で保存されることを推奨します。


What is the purpose of heat-inactivating serum, why is it recommended for some cell lines, and how do I do it?


Heat-inactivation (heating to 56oC for 30 min) is done to inactivate complement, a group of proteins present in sera that are part of the immune response. This is sometimes important for cells that will be used to prepare or assay viruses, used in cytotoxicity assays or other systems where complement may have an unwanted influence.Heat has also been used to destroy mycoplasma in serum. Because most serum suppliers filter through 0.1 μm filters to remove mycoplasma before distribution, this is not usually necessary. Heat-inactivation is also recommended for growing embryonic stem cells [p. 75 in Rudnicki, M.A., and McBurney, M.W. (1987) Teratocarcinomas and Embryonic Stem Cells - A Practical Approach (IRL Press Ltd., Oxford)] as well as for many insect cell lines (Weiss, S.A., et al. (1995). Meth. Mol. Biol. 39:65). Heat inactivation will reduce or destroy serum growth factors, and should only be done when there is a compelling reason.

The following procedure can be used to heat-inactivate serum:

1. Thaw serum following directions in the next question.

2. Preheat water bath to 56oC. There must be sufficient water to immerse the bottle above the level of serum.

3. Mix thawed serum by gentle inversion and place serum bottle in the 56oC water bath. (The temperature of the water bath will drop.)

4. When the temperature of the water bath reaches 56oC again, continue to heat for an additional 30 min. Mix gently every 5 min to insure uniform heating.

5. Remove serum from water bath and cool. Place at recommended storage conditions. ATCC stores the serum at -70oC. We recommend that you store at -70oC if possible, otherwise at -20oC.




寄託者は、寄託者自身で使用していた培地について、全ての組成(添加物も含めて)とその必要量を決めたりはしておりません。培地や添加物に関しては、同様の細胞を培養した過去の経験から決めて指定することも稀にあります。インスリンは、グルコースの輸送や利用、アミノ酸の取りこみ、そして細胞分化の維持など、様々な働きを担うホルモンです。特にハイブリドーマ株の培養においては、細胞の生育を促進させる役割を果たすものであることがあると分かっています。ATCC's Hybri-Care Medium (ATCC Cat. No. 46-X)はインスリンとオキサロ酢酸が含まれており、ATCCから分譲されているハイブリドーマ株の約80~90%に対して、その生育に用いることが可能な培地となっています。


Why is supplemental insulin required for ATCC CRL-1794 (13C4)?


Rarely do donors of cell lines determine if there is an absolute need for each and every component of the medium they use. Often, a medium or additives are chosen simply because they have proven in the past to be successful with similar cell lines. Insulin is a hormone that has multiple functions including the stimulation of glucose transport and utilization, the uptake of amino acids, and the maintenance of differentiation. It has often been found to increase the growth of cultured cells, especially hybridomas. ATCC's Hybri-Care Medium (ATCC Cat. No. 46-X) contains insulin and oxalacetic acid and will support the growth of 80% to 90% of the hybridoma cell lines distributed.




IL-2は、一般的には種特異性がありません。ラットIL-2は、マウスIL-2依存性の細胞に対して活性を有します。他のIL-2(ヒト、又はモルモット)は、CTLL-2 (ATCC Cat. No. TIB-214)に使用することが可能ですが、同程度の生育促進能力はありません。 ATCCのIL-2依存マウス細胞株を生育させる場合には、コンカナバリンA活性化ラット脾臓細胞で調整した培地を使用することを推奨します。その他、市販されているラットもしくはマウスから精製したIL-2を使用いただくことも可能です。ATCCにおける試験結果から、コンカナバリンA活性化ラット脾臓細胞で調整した培地のほうが、市販の精製されたIL-2よりも良い生育能を示すことがわかっております。


Can human, pig, or mouse interleukin-2 (IL-2) be substituted for rat spleen cell-conditioned medium (rat factor) in the media for IL-2-dependent cell lines?


Generally, IL-2 is not species specific, and rat IL-2 is active in mouse IL-2 dependent cell lines. Other IL-2's (e.g., human or guinea pig) can be used with the CTLL-2 (ATCC Cat. No. TIB-214) cell line, but may not give the same degree of growth stimulation. We recommend using medium conditioned by concanavalin A-stimulated rat spleen cells for the growth of our mouse IL-2 dependent lines. Alternatively, purified rat or mouse IL-2 can be purchased from commercial suppliers. In our experience, the conditioned medium gives a better response than the purified IL-2 preparations. 





多くの研究において、正常(1,5,8)または腫瘍の上皮細胞(9)、グリオーマ細胞(3), 奇形種 (6), Bリンパ芽球(2), ハイブリドーマ (4)他の細胞種、に対して効果的に用いられてきました。ATCCでは、このようなフィーダー細胞を凍結保存状態で3種類ご提供しておりまして、それぞれMRC-5 (human diploid lung, ATCC Cat. No. 55-X)、3T3 (mouse, contact sensitive, ATCC Cat. No. 48-X) 、STO (mouse embryonic fibroblast, ATCC Cat. No. 56-X)という商品でご希望のお客様に分譲させていただいております。これらのフィーダー細胞商品は、225cm2フラスコに対して播種していただける十分量が1mlの容量で1バイアルで提供される形態となっております。これらの染色体分裂は抑えられている状態であることが確認されています。これらはガンマ線照射で処理されており、代謝能が維持された状態で分裂能が抑えられている状態であることを試験確認しています。お客様からの御依頼ベースで、他の細胞でこれらのような放射線照射した細胞をご提供させていただくことも対応しております。


1. 著者:Caputo, J.L., Hay, R.J., and Williams, C.D.
タイトル:The isolation and properties of an epithelial cell strain from rhesus monkey bronchus.
雑誌名:In Vitro

2. 著者:Caputo, J.L, et al.
タイトル:An effective method for establishing human B lymphoblastic cell lines using Epstein-Barr virus.
雑誌名:J. Tissue Cult. Meth.

3. 著者:Freshney, R.I., Hart, E., and Russell, J.M.
編集者:Reid, E., Cook, G.M.W., and Moore, D.J., eds.
タイトル:Isolation and purification of cell cultures from human tumors.
該当箇所:Cancer Cell Organelles. Methodological Surveys (B): Biochemistry, Vol. II

4. 著者:Gentry, M.K.
タイトル:Cloning of hybridomas in semisolid agarose.
雑誌名:J. Tissue Cult. Meth

5. 著者:Hay, R.J., et al.
タイトル:In vitro studies on epithelia from the pancreas and colon
書籍名:Tissue Culture and RES.
編集者:Rohlich, P., and Bacsy, E., eds. (Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Science Press).
該当箇所:p. 341

6. 著者:Martin, G.R., Wiley, L.M., and Damjanov, I.
タイトル:The development of cystic embryoid bodies in vitro from clonal teratocarcinoma stem cells.
雑誌名:Dev. Biol.
該当箇所:15: 230.

7. 著者:Puck, T.T., and Marcus, P.I.
タイトル:A rapid method for viable cell titration and clone production with HeLa cells in tissue culture: The use of x-irradiated cells to supply conditioning factors.
雑誌名:Proc. Natl. A


When should I use a feeder layer with my cultures and do you offer feeder layer cultures?


Cultures of irradiated human or mouse cells (feeder cells) have been used for years to promote proliferation, particularly with low-density inocula (7). High-energy irradiation can completely suppress cell division long before general metabolism is appreciably affected. Since such an irradiated "feeder" cell population continues to metabolize actively, the non-multiplying cells provide diffusible and short-lived growth plus conditioning factors to the medium. These in turn stimulate non-irradiated, fastidious, proliferative cells added to the co-culture system.

Numerous studies have utilized feeder cells effectively with normal (1,5,8) and tumorigenic epithelia (9), glioma (3), teratocarcinoma (6), B lymphoblast (2), hybridoma (4) and other populations. ATCC offers three cryopreserved feeder populations, MRC-5 (human diploid lung, ATCC Cat. No. 55-X); 3T3 (mouse, contact sensitive, ATCC Cat. No. 48-X) and STO (mouse embryonic fibroblast, ATCC Cat. No. 56-X). These feeder layer cells are available as frozen suspensions in 1 ml portions, each containing a sufficient cell population for seeding up to 225 cm2 of culture vessel surface. They have been characterized and shown to be mitotically arrested. They are treated by gamma irradiation, which suppresses cell division yet allows active metabolism. Irradiated populations of other designations may be provided on a custom-quote basis.

For additional information on feeder layers refer to the references below:

1. Caputo, J.L., Hay, R.J., and Williams, C.D. (1979) The isolation and properties of an epithelial cell strain from rhesus monkey bronchus. In Vitro 15:222.

2. Caputo, J.L, et al. (1991) An effective method for establishing human B lymphoblastic cell lines using Epstein-Barr virus. J. Tissue Cult. Meth. 13:39.

3. Freshney, R.I., Hart, E., and Russell, J.M. (1982) Isolation and purification of cell cultures from human tumors. In: Reid, E., Cook, G.M.W., and Moore, D.J., eds. Cancer Cell Organelles. Methodological Surveys (B): Biochemistry, Vol. II, p. 97 (Chichester, England: Horwood).

4. Gentry, M.K. (1985) Cloning of hybridomas in semisolid agarose. J. Tissue Cult. Meth. 9:179.

5. Hay, R.J., et al. (1984) In vitro studies on epithelia from the pancreas and colon, p. 341, In: Rohlich, P., and Bacsy, E., eds. Tissue Culture and RES. (Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Science Press).

6. Martin, G.R., Wiley, L.M., and Damjanov, I. (1977) The development of cystic embryoid bodies in vitro from clonal teratocarcinoma stem cells. Dev. Biol. 15: 230.

7. Puck, T.T., and Marcus, P.I. (1955) A rapid method for viable cell titration and clone production with HeLa cells in tissue culture: The use of x-irradiated cells to supply conditioning factors. Proc. Natl. A





血清や培地、及びすべての凍結保存細胞株ついて、ATCCでは、すべての凍結保存された細胞株ついて、バクテリア、カビ、マイコプラズマの汚染がないかどうか確認を行っています。バクテリアやカビの確認には、血液寒天培地、チオグリコレート培地、トリプチカーゼソイ培地、BHI培地、サブロー培地、YM培地、2%酵母抽出液を加えたnutrient broth培地、が使用されています。マイコプラズマの確認には、直接培養法やヘキスト染色が用いられます。更なる詳細情報は、下記の資料を参照してください。

著者:W. B. Jacoby and I. H. Pasten, eds. (Academic Press, New York).
著書:Methods in Enzymology: Cell Culture Vol. 58
該当箇所:Chapter 2


What methods does the ATCC use to detect bacterial contamination in cell cultures?


ATCC tests all sera and media used plus all cell culture freezes prepared for bacteria, fungi, and mycoplasma. Blood agar, thioglycollate broth, trypticase soy broth, BHI broth, Sabouraud broth, YM broth, and nutrient broth with 2% yeast extract are used to test for bacteria and fungi. The direct culture method and Hoechst staining are used for mycoplasma. For additional information refer to the following reference: Chapter 2 in Methods in Enzymology: Cell Culture Vol. 58 (1979), W. B. Jacoby and I. H. Pasten, eds. (Academic Press, New York).





編集者:J. Mather and D. Barnes, eds. (Academic Press, New York)
タイトル:Animal Cell Culture Methods
該当箇所:Chapters 3, 4 and 11

著者:R. Ian Freshney (Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York) タイトル:Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique, 3rd edition
該当箇所:Chapter 16

編集者:W. B. Jacoby and I. H. Pasten, eds. (Academic Press, New York).
タイトル:Methods in Enzymology: Cell Culture Vol. 58
該当箇所:Chapter 2


How can I tell if my culture is contaminated with another cell line? How can contamination be avoided?


Morphological examination will occasionally suffice but this is a notoriously poor method for identification. Fluorescent antibody staining, isoenzyme, cytogenetic and/or DNA analyses can be used to detect interspecies and intraspecies cross contamination. The best means to guard against cross contamination include some common sense procedures: working with only one cell line at a time, using separate aliquots of media for each, and taking great care in labeling. For additional information refer to the following reference: Chapters 3, 4 and 11 in Animal Cell Culture Methods (1998) J. Mather and D. Barnes, eds. (Academic Press, New York); Chapter 16 in Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique, 3rd edition, (1994) by R. Ian Freshney (Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York); or Chapter 2 in Methods in Enzymology: Cell Culture (1979) Vol. 58, W. B. Jacoby and I. H. Pasten, eds., (Academic Press, New York).





:C.K. Lincoln, and M.G. Gabridge,
編集者:J. P. Mather and D. Barnes, eds., (Academic Press, San Diego)
著書:Animal Cell Culture Methods:
該当箇所:p. 49
著者:Ian Freshney (Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York)
タイトル:Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique, 4th edition
該当箇所:Chapter 18


How are cells screened for mycoplasma contamination?


Cell lines are screened for mycoplasma contamination by direct cultivation and by indirect methods. For example, the fluorochrome Hoechst DNA stain will bind to the DNA of mycoplasma and the organisms can be detected easily when examined using a microscope equipped with appropriate fluorescence optics. The direct culture method requiring both broth and agar will permit isolation of cultivable strains as apparent by appearance of characteristic mycoplasma colonies on the agar medium. Both of these techniques are used several times while a cell line is expanded for distribution. For additional information refer to the following reference: Cell culture contamination: sources, consequences, prevention and elimination, by C.K. Lincoln, and M.G. Gabridge, in Animal Cell Culture Methods, (1998), J. P. Mather and D. Barnes, eds., p. 49 (Academic Press, San Diego); Chapter 18 in Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique, 4th edition, (2000) by R. Ian Freshney (Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York), available by order (ATCC Cat. No. 30-3001).




可能です。ATCCにおいても、マイコプラズマから救済のために何回か継代した株が存在します(例: ATCC CCL-229, ATCC HB-175)。しかしながら、この過程では非常に時間がかかることと、また必ずしも成功するとは限らないことから、一般的には廃棄して新しい細胞で立ち上げなおすことが推奨されています。その他の微生物によるコンタミと同様に、まずは汚染源を特定し、コンタミしているマイコプラズマに適当な抗生物質を選びます。その際に汚染源の抗生物質感受性試験を行ったほうが良いでしょう。感染細胞は、1-2週間の間抗生物質の入った培地で培養したら、次に抗生物質のない培地でさらに1-2ヶ月ほど培養する必要があります。この時点で、細胞が感染していないことを確かめる再試験を行います。これは非常に精度の高い方法を用いなければなりません。また、汚染原となる微生物が再び現れるかどうか確認するため、周期的に再試験を実施することが必要となります。 ほとんどの抗生物質は、細胞に対して少なからず毒性を示すことから、救済された細胞塊は親株と同等の性質を示さない可能性もあります。このため、オリジナルの株と同じ性質を有しているかどうかを確認するための試験が必要となります。更なる情報は、下記資料を参照してください。

1. 著者:R. Ian Freshney (Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York),
:Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique, 4th ed (Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York)

2. 著者:C.K. Lincoln, and M.G. Gabridge.
編集者:J. P. Mather and D. Barnes, eds.
タイトル:Animal Cell Culture Methods (Academic Press, San Diego).
該当箇所:Cell culture contamination: sources, consequences, prevention and elimination, pp. 49-65

3. 編集者: S. Razin and J.G. Tully, eds.
タイトル:Molecular and Diagnostic Procedures in Mycoplasmology Vol. II (Academic Press, San Diego).
該当箇所:Antibiotic treatment of mycoplasma-infected cultures, p. 439


Can a cell line be cured of mycoplasma contamination?


Yes, several lines in our collection have been cured of mycoplasma (e.g., ATCC CCL-229, ATCC HB-175). However, this process is time consuming and does not always work; discarding the culture and starting over is always the preferred method. As with other microbial infections, one should first identify the contaminant and select a suitable antibiotic, preferably by testing the contaminating mycoplasma for its antibiotic sensitivity. The cells are cultured for 1 to 2 weeks in the presence of the antibiotic, and then cultured without antibiotic for 1 to 2 months. At this point, the line is retested to make sure that the culture is clean. A very sensitive testing method should be used . Periodic retesting is necessary to make sure that the contaminant does not reappear. Since many antibiotics are more or less toxic to cells, a selected population that no longer exhibits qualities of the parental line may result. It may be necessary to examine the cured culture to determine if it is sufficiently similar to the original line. For more detailed information see:

1. Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique, 4th ed., (2000) by R. Ian Freshney (Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York),

2. Cell culture contamination: sources, consequences, prevention and elimination, by C.K. Lincoln, and M.G. Gabridge. In Animal Cell Culture Methods (1998), J. P. Mather and D. Barnes, eds., pp. 49-65 (Academic Press, San Diego).

3. Antibiotic treatment of mycoplasma-infected cultures. In Molecular and Diagnostic Procedures in Mycoplasmology Vol. II (1996), S. Razin and J.G. Tully, eds., p. 439 (Academic Press, San Diego)



ATCC細胞株は、EBウィルス, ヒト免疫不全ウィルス (HIV, AIDS virus), ヒト成人T細胞性白血病ウィルス(HTLV), B型肝炎ウィルスなどの確認をしていますか?またウシウィルス性下痢ウィルス(BVDV)の検査を行ってますか?


ヒト由来のいくつかの細胞は、EBV, HTLV, もしくは肝炎ウィルス、を産生することが知られています。またこれはカタログや製品シートにも記載されている情報です。更にカタログ番号CCL-から始まるヒト肺由来細胞株についてはスクリーニングし、そして卵接種試験、血球吸着試験、細胞接種試験等の詳細な品質管理マニュアルに記載されている方法で、ウィルスが陰性であることが確認されています。このことから、ATCCはHTV陽性の細胞株:H9/HTLV-IIIB (ATCC CRL-8543)を分譲している状況であると言えます(日本国内のお客様は要相談)。しかしながら、他の特許株においては、AIDS患者由来の株もあり、HIVを保有している可能性があります。



著者:S.R. Bolin et al.
タイトル:Survey of cell lines in the American Type Culture Collection for bovine viral diarrhea virus
雑誌名:J. Virol. Methods 48:211


Are ATCC human cell lines tested for viruses such as Epstein-Barr (EBV) virus, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV, AIDS virus), human T cell leukemia (HTLV), and hepatitis B virus? Are ATCC cell lines tested for bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV)?


Some of our human cell lines are known to produce EBV, HTLV, or hepatitis virus, and this information is given in the catalog description and on product sheets. In addition, the human lung cell lines in our CCL collection have been screened and found negative for viruses by procedures that are detailed in our quality control manual (egg inoculation, hemadsorption, and co-cultivation with indicator cells).At this time, ATCC is distributing the HIV-positive line H9/HTLV-IIIB (ATCC CRL-8543). However, some of our other patent deposits have been derived from AIDS patients and may carry HIV.

Since it is not possible for us to test every cell line for every possible virus, we rely on the tests performed by the depositor. We recommend that all human cell lines be accorded the same level of biosafety consideration as a line known to carry HIV. With infectious virus assays or viral antigen assays, even a negative test result may leave open the possible existence of a latent viral genome. Thus, it is best to use caution when handling any human cell line. Concerning BVDV, the virus is present in most serum samples, often at very low levels. Hence, it is probably present in all cell lines in which it can replicate unless the cultures have been grown in rigidly tested sera or sera of non-bovine origins. A paper describing tests of some ATCC lines was published in 1994 [S.R. Bolin et al. (1994) Survey of cell lines in the American Type Culture Collection for bovine viral diarrhea virus. J. Virol. Methods 48:211]. Lines that are positive for BVDV are so described in the ATCC catalog descriptions.

S.R. Bolin et al. (1994) Survey of cell lines in the American Type Culture Collection for bovine viral diarrhea virus. J. Virol. Methods 48:21




NIHやATCCではEctromelia virusの検出を行いましたが、ATCCではマウス抗体産生試験(MAP test)は実施していません。下記論文のテストでは陰性でした。ご参照ください。

著者:Buller, R.M.L., et al.
タイトル:Observations on the replication of Ectromelia virus in mouse-derived cell lines: Implications for epidemiology of mousepox
雑誌名:Lab. Animal Sci. 37:28




Does the ATCC do MAP (mouse antibody production) testing?


ATCC does not MAP test cell lines although most murine lines have been screened for Ectromelia virus at the NIH and ATCC, and tests have been negative

[Buller, R.M.L., et al. (1987) Observations on the replication of Ectromelia virus in mouse-derived cell lines: Implications for epidemiology of mousepox. Lab. Animal Sci. 37:28].

Accordingly, if recipients intend to inoculate cell lines obtained from the ATCC into mice and return the mice to non-quarantined facilities with other animals, the inoculum should be MAP tested either in house or commercially elsewhere.









What safety precautions are necessary for thawing ampules that have been stored in liquid nitrogen?


A glass ampule or plastic vial that has been submerged in liquid nitrogen can explode upon removal if it has not been properly sealed. Resulting glass or plastic fragments fly at high force in all directions creating a hazard. Thus a face guard and protective gloves and clothing must be worn whenever an ampule is removed from liquid nitrogen. ATCC does not routinely store cells in the liquid phase. For reconstitution, the ampule should be agitated in a covered water bath at 37oC until its contents have thawed completely. To recover the cell suspension from a glass ampule, the neck is nicked with a small file, the ampule is washed with 70% ethanol, wrapped between several folds of a sterile towel or gauze and snapped open. The ampule contents can then be removed with a sterile 1 ml pipette (needles and syringes should be avoided whenever possible).




多くの場合、凍結アンプルはドライアイス詰め(-70℃)で運搬されますが、液体窒素タンクに戻して貯蔵することが出来、後日迅速に溶解し起眠することが可能です。 しかしながら、このような処理の場合、生存率は低くなるかもしれませんし、また特に繊細な細胞においては、起眠が困難になるかも知れません。この現象は、温度が変化する間に細胞内で発生した氷の結晶構造(the ice crystal structure)によるものと考えられています。このことから、お受取後はすぐに溶解して培養を開始していただくことをお勧めいたします。-70℃で保存可能な期間は、輸送の為の期間となっております。このためATCCでは、お受取後に-70℃で保存された細胞の生存率は保証できかねます。


Can a frozen ampule of cells be put back into liquid nitrogen and stored for any length of time?


In many cases, an ampule shipped in dry ice (-70oC) can be placed back into liquid nitrogen and the population recovered by rapid thawing at a later date. However, the viability may be reduced by such treatment, and for some sensitive cell lines, this may make recovery more difficult. The phenomenon is thought to be due to a change in the ice crystal structure within cells that occurs during the temperature shift. For this reason, we recommend that cells be thawed and placed into culture as soon after receipt as possible. It is best to minimize storage time at -70oC; that is, to use this temperature only for shipping. ATCC does not warrant the viability of cells stored at -70C after shipments have been received.






How long can frozen cells be kept in liquid nitrogen or dry ice without affecting recovery?


Cells that are properly frozen using an effective cryoprotective agent can be stored in liquid nitrogen indefinitely without affecting recovery. Cells of CCL-1 were cryopreserved in February 1962. After decades in liquid nitrogen or its vapor, their viability has not significantly declined. Cell lines maintained on dry ice or in -70oC mechanical freezers, however, often lose their viability very quickly. The loss of viability will, of course, vary from cell line to cell line. Studies done at ATCC show some mouse lines dropping to 0% viability within six months on dry ice and some human lines were non-viable in only four months. Thus, it is recommended that ampules and vials be thawed as soon as possible upon receipt. If the cells cannot be thawed and cultured immediately, the ampules and vials should be stored at temperatures below -135oC, preferably in liquid nitrogen vapor.




プログラムつきの高価なフリーザーを購入せずとも、制御機械や液体窒素フリーザーと連動する凍結保存用装置を購入することにより温度コントロールされた凍結保存が可能となります。 その他の方法として、アンプル、バイアルを15~20mmの厚さの発砲スチロールの箱の中に入れて、それを-70oC から-90oCの冷凍庫に置くと、内部の冷却速度はその冷凍率に近くなります。必要ならば、ダミーのアンプルにサーモ(温度計)を入れて、温度の冷却率をモニターすることも可能です。詳細はATCC QCマニュアル(ATCC Quality Control Manual for Cell Lines)をご参照下さい。


Since we do not have a programmable freezer, how can we achieve the optimum -1oC/min freezing rate when preserving cells?


One can avoid the expense of a programmable freezer by purchasing devices that can be used for cryopreservation in conjunction with mechanical or liquid nitrogen freezers. Alternatively, ampules and vials can be placed in a small Styrofoam? box having wall and cover thickness of about 15 to 20 mm. When placed in a mechanical freezer at -70° to -90oC the internal cooling rate will approximate that required. Thermocouples inserted into dummy ampules can be used to check cooling rates if desired. See the ATCC Quality Control Manual for Cell Lines for more information.


細胞の凍結保存の目的として、mechanical freezersを使用することは出来ますか?




Can mechanical freezers be used for cryogenic storage of cultured cells?


Mechanical freezers can be used for storage if temperatures of -135oC or lower can be maintained. Viability will decline at higher temperatures. Backup freezers are needed in case of mechanical failure.



passage numberと population doubling levelの違いを教えてください。


 「Passage Number」 とは、単純に「その細胞株が培養中に何回の継代作業を繰り返されたのか」を表しますが、稀に播種濃度や回収効率に関する関連情報が抜けていたりします。

「Population doubling level」とは、その細胞集団が樹立の初期段階から、これまでに何回倍化増幅してきたかを表す細胞集団の累積分裂回数です。これは、全体の数値に近づくよう一般的な概算として粗く見積った数値です。Population doublingを計算する際の公式としては、以下を採用しています。

n = 3.32 (log UCY - log l) + X,

n = 提供を受けた株の最終的なPDL数
UCY =細胞の収量
l =培養のために播種した細胞集団の数
X =播種された細胞集団の、当初の分裂回数


著者:L. Hayflick
タイトル:Tissue Culture Methods and Applications, (Academic Press, New York)
該当箇所:p. 220
編集者:P.F. Kruse, Jr. and M.K. Patterson, Jr.


What is the difference between the passage number of a cell line and its population doubling level?


The passage number simply refers to the number of times the cells in the culture have been subcultured, often without consideration of the inoculation densities or recoveries involved. The population doubling level refers to the total number of times the cells in the population have doubled since their primary isolation in vitro. This is usually a very crude estimate rounded off to the nearest whole number. A formula to use for the calculation of population doublings is as follows:

n = 3.32 (log UCY - log l) + X, where n = the final PDL number at end of a given subculture, UCY = the cell yield at that point, l = the cell number used as inoculum to begin that subculture, and X = the doubling level of the inoculum used to initiate the subculture being quantitated. A more complete discussion of this subject was provided by L. Hayflick (1973) Tissue Culture Methods and Applications, P.F. Kruse, Jr. and M.K. Patterson, Jr. eds., p. 220 (Academic Press, New York).


「Plateing efficiency」 の意味を教えてください。カタログに記載されている「efficiency is 5%」とは、継代作業によって95%の細胞が失われるという意味でしょうか?


接着系の細胞株における、「plating efficiency」もしくは、「colony forming efficiency」とは、播種した細胞のうちコロニーを形成した細胞の割合、つまり”コロニー形成能”を指します。 1細胞からコロニーを形成するような細胞株の場合、ATCCにおいては「plating efficiency」はディッシュやフラスコを用い、100~1000 cells /75cm2程度の適切な密度で播種するように決められています。

「plating efficiency」は公式で決定されます。 「plating efficiency」=(コロニー数 / 播種した細胞数)×100 研究者の中には、「plating efficiency」=「播種後しばらくしてから接着した細胞数の割合」として用いる方もいます。一般的に、「plating efficiency」は密度の低い状態で定量し、コロニーを形成した数を播種した細胞数で割ることによって算出します。ある種の腫瘍株においては、時として1%もしくは0%という低い状態になることもあり得ます。いくつかの細胞株は、生育の為に高密度で播種しなければなりません。すべてのATCC株は、プロダクトインフォメーションシートに指示された通りに播種し、推奨された割合にて掲題すれば生育させることが出来るでしょう。


What does plating efficiency mean? Your catalog description states that the plating efficiency is 5% for my cell line. Does this mean I can expect to lose 95% of my cells every time I subculture?


For cell lines consisting of adherent cells, plating efficiency, or more precisely, colony forming efficiency, refers to the percentage of cells planted which give rise to colonies. When a cell line can be grown from single cells, the plating efficiency is determined at ATCC by inoculation of dishes or flasks with a suitable number of cells (100 to 1,000 cells/75 sq. cm flask).

The plating efficiency is determined by counting the number of colonies that form: (number of colonies formed/ number of cells inoculated) x 100. Some researchers use the term plating efficiency to refer to the percentage of cells plated that attach to the surface of the culture vessel after a short period of time. Plating efficiencies are usually quantitated at low or clonal cell densities. It can be as low as 1% or, in the case of some tumor lines, even zero. Some cell lines must be seeded at a high density to survive. All cell cultures received from ATCC will survive if seeded according to the instructions on the product sheet and if subcultured at the recommended split ratios.





当初ユニークな細胞株であると思われていた一方で、1960年代後期から1970年代初期にかけて、ATCCやその他機関で特徴の解析がなされた結果、これらの細胞系はHeLaマーカーが含まれる細胞株であることが確認されました。この際に使用されたHelaマーカーは、「type A isoenzyme for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase」だけでは不十分であったことから、Hela染色体上にある2種もしくはそれ以上のマーカーが使用されていました。

近年ATCCでは、ヒト細胞株においてクロスコンタミネーションの確認と細胞株の識別確認のため、DNAプロファイリングとしてSTR解析を行っています。Promega 社のPowerPlex® 1.2 systemが使用されており、ATCCでは8ケ所の座位とアメロゲニン遺伝子を各種の細胞株で確認しています。

Helaがコンタミしているほとんどの細胞株において、1-2のアレルが欠失している株もいくつかありますが、Hela株そのものと同一のプロファイルデータであることが確認されています。Helaがコンタミしていることを最も特徴的に同定できたのが、STRローカスD13S317、Allelic Ladder反復数13.3でした。ATCCにおいて保有するすべてのHeLa由来もしくはHeLaコンタミ細胞株は、この遺伝子型を持っていましたが、他の細胞系についてはこれまでには試験がなされておりません。



Why are some ATCC cell lines described as HeLa contaminants?


In the 1960s, many continuous lines being used in the United States were unknowingly cross-contaminated with HeLa either at the time of derivation or during subsequent propagation, and then were deposited into the ATCC cell repository. While originally thought to be unique cell lines, characterizations performed at ATCC and elsewhere during the late 1960s and early 1970s suggest that these cell lines contain HeLa markers. These markers consist of the type A isoenzyme for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, which is inappropriate in most instances, plus two or more HeLa marker chromosomes.

More recently, ATCC has implemented STR analysis (DNA profiling) for detection of cross-contamination and verification of human cell line identity. Using the Promega PowerPlexR 1.2 system, ATCC examines eight STR loci and amelogenin for each cell line. Most of the HeLa contaminant cell lines have identical profiles to HeLa although a few profiles are missing 1 or 2 alleles. The most unique identifier of HeLa contamination is the D13S317 allele 13.3. All HeLa-derived and HeLa contaminant cell lines held at ATCC, and no other cell lines tested to date, have this microvariant.

Despite the confirmation of HeLa contamination, ATCC has not determined the exact nature of the relationship between HeLa and various HeLa contaminant cell lines. Not only does cytogenetic analysis suggest some differences exist among the cell lines, several of the lines possess unique properties. We do warn that HeLa-derived cell lines should not be used as a functional model of their respective indicated tissues of origin.






ATCCでは、抗体産生の有無に関して、specific isotypeを用いた確認を実施しております。ラット及びハムスター抗体についてはImmunodiffusion試験、ヒト抗体についてはELISAを実施しています。マウス抗体にはスリップテストを用いています。またハイブリドーマ細胞株のlotごとに抗体産生の有無をテストしています。

寄託されたバイブリドーマ株は、その寄託者により、抗体が産生されているかどうか、及びモノクローナル抗体の特異性があるかどうか確認されています。ハイブリドーマの寄託者は、抗体産生のほかに、ある特定の株から得られたモノクローナル抗体の特異性を確認しています。 この試験を実施するにあたり、ATCCでは一度分譲用途に凍結保存された株、もしくはその細胞から得た培養上製を寄託者へ返送し確認試験を実施していただいています。 産生能の確認手法は随時変更されますが、一般的には疑いのある細胞株については論文などが引用され、ATCCの商品ウェブページに掲載されています。


How do we determine if a hybridoma is producing antibody? How do we know how much antibody a particular hybridoma produces?


ATCC tests culture supernatants for the presence of antibody of the specific isotype. Immunodiffusion testing is performed for rat and hamster antibodies and ELISA testing for human antibodies. A rapid strip test is used for mouse antibodies. Each lot of each hybridoma is tested.

The depositor of a hybridoma also verifies the production and specificity of the monoclonal antibody produced by a given line. A representative culture or supernatant from the initial ATCC distribution freeze is returned to the depositor to facilitate this test. Methods vary but they are usually described in the reference given in the ATCC catalog for the hybridoma in question.





いくつかのマウス×ラット ハイブリドーマ細胞株では、マウスを宿主として移植すると抗ラット抗体を産生したり、移植したハイブリドーマ細胞株を拒絶したりすることがあり問題になります。この場合、胸腺が欠損したヌードマウスを宿主として使用したり、移植の前に宿主の免疫を抑制したりということが可能です。


編集者:Kennett, R.J., McKearn, T.J., and Bechtol, K.B eds. (Plenum Press, New York)
タイトル:Hybridomas: A New Dimension in Biological Analyses


How do I grow hybridoma cell lines as ascites, especially rat-mouse hybridomas?


ATCC propagates most hybridomas as cell cultures in vitro, but many can be grown efficiently as ascites by inoculation into the peritoneal cavities of mice. Some rat-mouse hybridomas are more problematical as the host mouse strain may develop anti-rat antibodies and eventually reject the hybridoma inoculum. To minimize this difficulty one can use athymic nude mice as hosts or immunosuppress host animals prior to inoculation. For a protocol see p.403 in Hybridomas: A New Dimension in Biological Analyses (1980), Kennett, R.J., McKearn, T.J., and Bechtol, K.B., eds. (Plenum Press, New York).






特許申込者(最小限な表現ですが)によって提供されているデータは、お受け取りいただく方へご提供しております。 (商品によっては、情報が全く存在しない商品もございますので予めご了承ください) ATCCは特許株を保管する機関として、特許が許諾された際にはその特許株が入手できるようにするための準備を行います。


Why do some of the patent cultures have very little information available on the web site or in the product sheets?


Stocks of cell lines submitted to ATCC under patent applications are usually prepared by the applicant, and unlike all other cultures distributed by ATCC, patent cultures are not always subject to quality control here. Data provided by the applicant (which, in some cases, is minimal) are passed on to recipients. As a patent depository, ATCC is required to make patent cultures available once the patent has been granted.





1. その細胞がいくつかのユニークな特徴を示すか、既にコレクションとなっている株によって示されていない使用方法であること。2. 既にその細胞が論文などで報告がなされていること。3. In vitroの条件下において、寄託した株の状態から少なくとも15-20回程度の分裂能を有する様な十分な生存能力が有ること。 4. その細胞株が微生物に汚染されていないかどうか。

もし細胞株を寄託される御希望があれば、ATCCの寄託担当者にご連絡ください。ATCCへの寄託に関するご質問等は、ATCCウエブサイトのMake a Depositよりお問い合わせください。


What are some factors that I must consider when depositing my cell line at ATCC?


Some factors to consider before submitting a new line are: 1) the cells should exhibit some unique characteristics or uses not exhibited by cells already in the collection; 2) the cell line should be documented in literature; 3) the cells must have a "useful" life expectancy in vitro, that is at least 15 to 20 doublings beyond the culture supplied; and 4) the cells should be free of contaminating microorganisms. Contact the collection manager if you wish to deposit a culture with the Cell Biology Collection. See our Make a Deposit to inquire about depositing materials at ATCC.