Message from the President & CEO
President & CEO
Katsuya Okuyama
SPI contributes to the health and well-being of people as a key player supporting the pharmaceutical industry.
In recent years, the environment surrounding the pharmaceuticals industry has changed dramatically. For example, the Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Act, aimed at securing the quality, efficacy and safety of products including pharmaceuticals and medical devices, has become more stringent. The market of generic drugs has been substantially expanded, with an aim toward reducing medical expenses. In the meantime, regarding new drug development, there has been rapid progress in establishing new modalities (therapeutics), including antibody drugs, oligonucleotide therapeutics, gene therapy, and regenerative medicine.
In this rapidly changing market environment, SPI takes advangate of the Sumitomo Corporation Group’s global network, as its core operating company, and suggest suppliers of APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients), intermediates, formulations,etc. that best match the needs of customers, ranging from the cutting-edge new drugs to generics and OTC drugs, thereby underlying the establishment of the drug supply chain.
In the drug discovery support business, SPI supports research activities by introducing the latest technologies from overseas to pharmaceutical companies, universities, and other research institutions in Japan, focusing on new modalities, including antibody drugs, oligonucleotide therapeutics, gene therapy, and regenerative medicine, as well as research devices (such as in vivo imaging and genome sequencers) and ATCC bioresource materials.
In addition to the provision of comprehensive services ranging from drug discovery support to the supply of drug materials and products, cooperation with major overseas suppliers leveraging the global network, and expertise accumulated over many years, the source of SPI’s unique strengths also lies in having its own laboratories—the API Laboratory, which ensures the quality of APIs, and the Yokohama Support Center, which provides technical support on research devices.
We at SPI hope to become a company that broadly contributes to society by aiming to enrich lives and the world through the improvement of health and well-being as upheld in one of our mission statements and sharing among all employees the goal of achieving a society where all people can lead happy and enriching lives.
SPI places the highest priority on compliance, and ensures legal compliance by repeatedly implementing training on applicable laws and regulations for all officers and employees.
We at SPI will pursue further growth leveraging our advanced specialty and global network. Please look forward to our future progress.