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Bioresource Materials矢印

Bio Research Instruments and Reagents矢印

Drug discovery partnering support矢印

Sustainable Growth with society

Six material issues that we address with priority to achieve sustainable growth with society.

The basis for the Sumitomo Corporation Group’s operations can be found in Sumitomo’s Business Philosophy, which has formed the foundation for Sumitomo’s sustainable development over the course of 400 years. One of the credos of this philosophy states: “Benefit for self and others, private and public interests are one and the same.” We interpret this credo advocates Sumitomo’s business activities must benefit not only Sumitomo, but also society around us to achieve sustainable growth together. It is important to reconsider how we should address social issues through our business activities. To achieve sustainable growth together with society into the future, we have identified material issues that we should address with priority by leveraging our strengths in line with Sumitomo’s Business Philosophy and Sumitomo Corporation Group’s Corporate Mission Statement.

Build resilient and prosperous society

We create a virtuous circle in which all people can enjoy physically and mentally enriched lives, and we can grow and develop together with local communities by stepping ahead in dealing with the needs of people in various countries and regions.

Overcome climate change

We work together with stakeholders to decarbonize society and promote the realization of a carbon-neutral and resilient society, while taking into consideration the characteristics of the respective industry and region.

Preserve and regenerate natural capital

To achieve a world living in harmony with nature, we avoid or minimize the impact on natural capital caused by our business activities and go beyond preservation to also pursue regeneration and effective use of natural capital through the building of a circular economy and other measures.

Respect human rights

Striving to respect the human rights of every stakeholder involved in our supply chain is the foundation of all corporate activities. We work to identify and to prevent or mitigate any adverse impact on human rights, as well as to ensure the safety and security of our stakeholders.

Develop talent and promote DE&I

We recognize Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) as the core enabler for value creation, innovation and competitiveness. In order to create new value and innovation by allowing our diverse personnel to fully exercise their abilities in a variety of fields, we will promote the development and empowerment of human resources, which represent our most important management resources.

Maintain and strengthen governance

We will develop an autonomous Group management system that responds to changes in the business environment with agility, and maintain and strengthen our efficient, sound, and transparent governance system.

EcoVadis Score

In 2024, we acquired the Silver Medal through the sustainability assessment by EcoVadis, an international rating agency headquartered in France. EcoVadis comprehensively evaluates corporate sustainability under the four themes of: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement. We will continue pursuing further improvement in sustainability.


From the Perspective of ESG

Under the six material issues, we promote ESG measures as follows.


Human beings are facing serious global environmental issues, and their resolution has become an urgent requirement. Based on the Sumitomo Corporation Group Environmental Policy provided below, we at SPI strive to reduce environmental impact and achieve a sustainable society through energy saving and waste reduction in pharmaceutical manufacturing, recycling end-of-use items in laboratories, shifting to paperless office operation, reusing office supplies, and other measures.

Sumitomo Corporation Group Environmental Policy

I.Basic Policy

The Sumitomo Corporation Group recognizes that environmental issues are global in scale and that they are long-range concerns affecting future generations. As a global organization, the Sumitomo Corporation Group, through sound business activities, will strive to achieve sustainable development aimed at both social and economic progress and environmental preservation.

II.Basic Guidelines

In pursuing its diversified business activities both within Japan and overseas, the Sumitomo Corporation Group shall comply with the following guidelines, and, through cooperation between its Group companies, work to achieve the aims of its environmental Basic Policy.

  • 1.Basic stance with regard to the environment:

    To place great importance on protecting the global environment as a good corporate citizen in accordance with the Sumitomo Corporation's Activity Guidelines.

  • 2.Compliance with environmental legislation:

    To strictly observe legislation related to environmental matters not only in Japan but also overseas, and to abide by any agreements made.

  • 3.Caring for the natural environment:

    To place great importance on preserving the environment, including the natural ecosystem and biodiversity.

  • 4.Response to climate change:

    To place great importance on mitigating climate change and adapting to its impact.

  • 5.Efficient use of resources and energy:

    To be mindful of the finite availability of resources and energy and strive to use them both efficiently and effectively.

  • 6.Contributing to the building of a recycling-oriented society:

    To endeavor to help build a recycling-oriented society by reducing waste and reusing and recycling resources.

  • 7.Promotion of businesses that contribute to environmental preservation:

    To utilize our integrated corporate strength to promote businesses and projects, which contribute to environmental preservation and reduction of the impact of society on the natural environment.

  • 8.Establishment of environmental management:

    To use an environmental management system to prevent environmental pollution and set environmental objectives and targets which are regularly reviewed and continuously upgraded.

  • 9.Disclosure of the environmental policy:

    To communicate this Environmental Policy to all people who are working for or on behalf of the Sumitomo Corporation Group, as well as disclosing it externally.

Environmental Management Structure

SPI is a member of SC's ISO 14001 integrated certification group companies. We have established an environmental management structure with our President & CEO serving as the Environmental Management Representative. As shown in the structure on the right, all employees improve their recognition of environmental issues, pursue increased productivity, and engage in sound business activities, thereby achieving sustainable development.

SPI is a member of SC's ISO 14001 integrated certification group companies. We have established an environmental management structure with our President & CEO serving as the Environmental Management Representative. As shown in the structure below, all employees improve their recognition of environmental issues, pursue increased productivity, and engage in sound business activities, thereby achieving sustainable development.

Environmental Management Structure

*EMS:Environmental Management System


case 01

In vivo imaging system contributes to minimization of experimental animals

Our in vivo imaging instrument makes it possible to observe the expression of genes and the cell behavior in living animals over time by capturing weak light emission within the organism without injuring them in the experiment. Additionally, one of these instruments was installed in the "Kibo" experimental module within the International Space Station by JAXA in 2021, contributing to the program of human life sciences research in space.

case 02

Initiative for environmental impact reduction with iFactory

We invest in iFactory Inc., which develops iFactory®, a continuous manufacturing facility for chemicals that consists of modular-based unit operation system (such as reaction, extraction, crystallization, filtration and drying). The module consists of a cubic metal frame with each unit of operation inside, which can be reconfigured to flexibly adapt a variety of manufacturing processes. The verification in the laboratory has confirmed that this system is expected to reduce energy consumption by about 80% and waste materials by about 30 to 40% compared with the conventional batch production method. We will continue to proactively support this system as an initiative for environmental impact reduction.


We fulfill our corporate responsibility as a pharmaceutical trading company in the supply chain toward the achievement of a sustainable society, through the stable supply and quality assurance of drugs, stringent compliance with laws and regulations, and other measures. Based on the Sumitomo Corporation Group CSR Action Guidelines for Supply Chain Management, we at SPI continuously promote diversity, human resource development, an employee-friendly work environment, and occupational safety management.

The Sumitomo Corporation Group CSR Action Guidelines for Supply Chain Management

The Sumitomo Corporation Group aims to be a global organization that, by constantly staying a step ahead in dealing with change, creating new value, and contributing broadly to society, strives to achieve prosperity and realize the dreams of all our stakeholders through sound business activities in strict adherence to our Corporate Mission Statement, and the management style principle contained therein, wherein prime importance is given to integrity and sound management with the utmost respect being paid to the individual. In order to promote sustainability and social wellbeing in accordance with our mission, the Sumitomo Corporation Group hereby sets down these CSR Action Guidelines for Supply Chain Management. With a view to further strengthening the global relations which form one of the foundations of our core competence of integrated corporate strength, we request our suppliers and business partners to kindly accept, understand, and practice these guidelines so that together we can achieve responsible value chain management.

Our suppliers and business partners are expected to:

1. Respect human rights and not to be complicit in human rights abuses

2. Prevent forced labor, child labor and the payment of unfairly low wages

3. Not engage in discriminatory employment practices

4. Respect the rights of employees to associate freely in order to ensure open and fair negotiations between labor and management

5. Provide employees with safe and healthy work environments

6. Protect the global environment and give due consideration to biodiversity

7. Ensure the quality and safety of products and services

8. Ensure fair business transactions, to abide by all applicable laws, rules and regulations, and to prevent extortion, bribery and all other forms of corrupt business practices

9. Ensure appropriate information security

10. Cooperate with members of local host communities and contribute to sustainable regional development

11. Disclose information regarding the above in a manner both timely and appropriate

case 01

The statement for the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015

In accordance with the UK Modern Slavery Act, the Sumitomo Corporation Group has announced a statement resolved at the Board of Directors meetings of the group companies concerning their activities for preventing slavery and human trafficking in cooperation with suppliers and business partners.

- Click here for the statement concerning the UK Modern Slavery Act

The Sumitomo Corporation Group’s Basic Principles on Social Contribution Activities


We, as a global organization, will work on social issues through our business activities and social contribution activities with the aim of building a sustainable society by implementing the Sumitomo Corporation Group’s Management Principles and Activity Guidelines.


We will engage in social contribution activities aimed at developing the next generation of human resources who will drive the sustainable development of society, and contributing to local communities in areas we do business all over the world. We will also take part in various activities as a good corporate citizen.


We will perform and seek to continuously improve our activities with modesty and high aspirations and endeavor to maintain a high level of transparency while strengthening our relationships with all our stakeholders.

- Click here for the Sumitomo Corporation Group’s Management Principles and Activity Guidelines

case 02

Partnership with SFIDA Setagaya Blind Football Club

We have been supporting activities of SFIDA Setagaya BFC based on a sponsorship contract since Season 2022. Blind football is played by 5-a-side teams using a ball which contains bells and voice signs, with all players (with or without visual impairment) putting on blindfold. We support the provision of opportunities for people with a disability to become familiar with sports.


Compliance Policy and System

We consider that all officers and employees must never violate compliance as a result of excessive pursuit of corporate profit. To ensure stringent compliance, we have established a Compliance Committee and undertakes continuous measures for preventing non-compliance. As part of these efforts, we distribute a Compliance Manual indicating the Sumitomo Corporation Group Compliance Policy to all officers and employees so that no questionable acts from the perspective of compliance will be tolerated. In the event of a compliance issue, it is immediately reported to a manager or supervisor. In this case, or if dishonesty is suspected from inside or outside the company, it is promptly investigated to take the best possible measures as a stringent rule.

- Click here for compliance information of the Sumitomo Corporation Group

Compliance education initiatives

We implement periodic training on compliance and harassment for all officers and employees. We also provide access at all times to applicable laws and regulations as well as current versions of the relevant guidelines on the company intranet.

Speak-up System

We have introduced a Speak-up System that enables direct reporting of compliance issues to the Compliance Committee, in addition to the one through office. This system is aimed at prevention, early detection, and correction of compliance issues by enabling officers and employees who notice an issue to directly provide relevant information to the Chair of the Compliance Committee in case reporting through office is difficult.