Research tools & instruments business
In recent years, new research technologies, tools and instruments are being developed every day in the drug discovery field due to the development in the life sciences, as exemplified in likes of the decoding of human genome information and advances in genome editing, which have reached the level of human mystery, as well as the advances of IT-related technologies. By utilizing the Sumitomo Corporation Group's global network, SPI uniquely finds and evaluates the new research tools and technologies, from both Japan and abroad, and become the pioneer of introducing them to Japanese companies and academia, eventually providing the variety of research support services.
Bioresource materials
In 1985, SPI became the first official distributor accredited by ATCC* outside the U.S. ATCC is the world’s largest bioresource provider of cell lines, microbial (including yeasts, molds, and protozoa), and cDNA clones. SPI has provided ATCC’s products to a wide range of customers in Japan for more than a quarter of a century. In recent years, SPI has begun handling bioresource materials and related products from both domestic and overseas suppliers, besides ATCC, as well as distributing high-quality human tissue samples in response to the increased amounts of customers' requests in the market. * ATCC: American Type Culture Collection
Bio research instruments & reagents
The field of life science research is advancing rapidly, and as the research methods advance, the demands for improved performance of instruments and reagents to support research are becoming increasingly advanced and complex. Instruments play an extremely important role in the research field because experiments are often dependent on the performance of them. In order to meet these demands, SPI handles carefully selected research instruments and reagents from abroad that use cutting-edge technologies, and those products are widely used by pharmaceutical companies, universities, and research institutes that are conducting drug discovery research. In addition to marketing these products, SPI also offers seminars on instruments usage, as well as the total support system in place that includes repair and maintenance work by our staff.
Drug discovery partnering support
In recent years, as the modalities (methods and means of fundamental technologies of therapeutics such as small molecule compound, antibody drugs, and cell therapies) diversify, the open innovation with external research institutions such as academia and bio ventures has become increasingly active. By utilizing the Sumitomo Corporation Group's global network, SPI provides various drug discovery support service to serve as the bridge between pharmaceutical and life-science related companies in Japan and overseas.
Alliance & license support business
By Utilizing the Sumitomo Corporation Group’s global network, SPI provides services that identify, introduce, and mediate companies, bio startups, and research institutions from both Japan and overseas, which own licensable unique drug discovery technologies and related services, as well as cutting-edge research seeds, prospective drugs, drug candidate compounds, and diagnostics. SPI introduces the drug discovery technologies, services, research seeds, and other licensable items of our clients and mediate contract research, joint research, and license agreements, thereby supporting the advancement, differentiation, and streamlining of drug discovery research. For bio startups and service companies that have drug discovery technologies and services, we identify appropriate prospective customers from our broad customer network, and provide exhaustive support ranging from introduction, contractual negotiations, and post-contract follow-up, thereby supporting expansion of their business opportunities in Japan. As a member of the Sumitomo Corporation Group, SPI provides comprehensive support for new drug development to drug discovery biotech ventures by not only supporting partnering activities but also providing support in the form of supplying development materials, as well as direct investment when needed.
CRO contract testing support
The range of drug discovery research has been expanding from small molecule drugs that employ conventional organic synthesis technology to middle molecule drugs, such as peptide drugs and oligonucleotide therapeutics, antibodies and other biopharmaceuticals that employ biotechnology, and regenerative medicine products related to iPS cells, etc. Leveraging our long-time experience in the drug discovery field, our staff with expertise in molecular biology and organic synthesis identify CROs* in Japan and overseas that have unique biomarker assay and specialized drug discovery technology, to provide services to pharmaceutical companies and introduce and mediate partnering services for them. * CRO: Contract Research Organization
CMO contract manufacturing support
By introducing CMOs* that undertake specialized contract manufacturing under GMP** in the production of middle molecule drugs, biopharmaceuticals, and regenerative medicine products, SPI provides consistent services in areas from drug discovery research to manufacturing. In the drug production process for these new drugs, SPI may also utilize the manufacturing know-how of CMOs to achieve quality improvement and production streamlining. While introducing appropriate CMOs to pharmaceutical companies and bio startups and supporting contract conclusion, SPI also establishes and maintains long-term relationships with customers and CMOs by leading solutions that satisfy both parties. * CMO: Contract Manufacturing Organization ** GMP: Good Manufacturing Practice, signifying the standards for pharmaceutical manufacturing control and quality control
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Manufacturing Support Business
(10:00 to 17:00, weekdays only)