粉末および液体培地の組成成分表はホームページ上などで通常公開されていますので容易に入手が可能です。一般的に良く使用されているHam’s F12培地やDMEM, RPMI1640, MCDB培地 および、これらの組み合わせからなる基礎培地は、トリプシン-EDTAやPBSなどと同様に、様々な製造元から入手することが可能です。市販の調整済み培地を使うかどうかは、研究者の方が予算や製品の品質、およびその製品自体を信頼されるかどうかにより異なります。特種な培地は、特別注文品として入手することも可能ですが、大量のオーダーとなるのが一般的です。(例えば100Lもしくはそれ以上のスケール)。
液体培地は出荷前の段階で保存されている期間がすでに経過していることから、液体培地として購入されるよりもより粉末状態から調整される培地のほうが良いでしょう。研究室でお手持ちの試薬類で自家調整される場合には、保存期限や溶解性について理解しなければならないため、これらの試薬類について報告がなされているオリジナルの論文を参照して調整しなければなりません。細胞培養用試薬のいくつかは、標準グレードの安価なものと、"cell cultureグレード "もしくは "tested for cell cultureグレード"と記載されている高価なもの、といったように、2種類のグレードのものがカタログに掲載されており、後者の記載がなされている製品のほうがより良いと言えます。これは、あまり近年問題になってはいないようですが、たとえば初期の工業的な大量生産がおこなわれていた際供給されていたHEPESバッファーで、細胞毒性を示す物質の混入レベルが一定でなかったことがありました。少なくとも、試薬グレードで供給されている商品を使用していただくべきであり、これは例えばpH調整のために使用する塩化ナトリウムや水酸化ナトリウムが低品質の商品であった場合に、鉛の混入レベルが細胞に対する毒性となり影響を与えることがあるからです。
細胞培養用の全ての試薬調整において、HPLCグレードの水を使用されることを推奨いたします。HPLCグレードの水を精製できるフィルタ-装置はたくさん市販されており入手が可能となっています。ガラス蒸留装置で3回蒸留を行った水でも可能ですが、3日以内に使用してください。藻類はどこにでも成育することができ、その藻から他の微生物が栄養を取る、というように生態系はとても早く発達してしまうので、長期間保存していた精製水は使用しないでください。 大容量でフィルタ-精製する場合、ポンプもしくは圧力をかける装置を使用することが可能です。この装置の使用にはある程度の設備または滅菌を必要としますが、濾過する培地量が一般的には4リットルを上回るかどうかで使用する価値があるシステムであるかどうかを判断します。または、消耗品として市販されているプラスチック製のフィルタ-システムを使用することも可能です。
血清はいくつかの会社から入手することが可能で、バッチごとに変化するのが一般的です。このため、ご使用される細胞に対し、事前確認試験のためバッチごと血清の評価を実施するということは一般的な作業であります。 血清は-70℃~-90℃であれば長期保存することが可能です。いくつかの血清ロットにおいては、一般的な構成成分の分析結果が付与されていますが、もちろん分析されていない構成成分も存在し、これらについては示されてはいません。ます。血清も含めた市販の試薬類などの滅菌性については、疑いを持ってお取扱いいただくほうが良いでしょう。
血清を含む培地を使用する場合、ご自身で濾過して作成しておいた無菌であろうと思われる血清を培地添加されるより、念のために使用される直前にフィルター滅菌して用いると安全です。濾過滅菌後の培地を確認するため、抗生物質が添加されていない大容量培地、もしくはLB寒天培地にその培地を少量入れて数日間培養することで、滅菌性試験を実施していただくことが可能です。一般的には、可能であれば100-200ml容量の容器に液体培地を保存しておくことを推奨いたします。血清を含むほとんどの培地がこのように保存可能ですが、無血清培地の場合にはCa+, Mg+が高濃度に含まれるため、凍結時に沈殿物が産生されてしまいます。
Media and reagents
Powdered and liquid media formulations are available commercially. Commonly used basal medium formulations such as Ham's F12, Dulbecco-modified Eagle's medium, RPMI 1640, MCDB media and combinations of these media, as well as sterile solutions of trypsin-EDTA, PBS etc. are available from multiple sources. The degree to which an investigator chooses to use commercially-prepared solutions depends on budgets and the degree of faith in the quality and consistency of the product. Unusual medium formulations can be obtained by special order, but usually in large lots only (eg., 100 liters or more).
Making media fresh from a powdered formulation is preferable to buying liquid media, because the liquids have undergone a period of storage prior to shipping. If medium is made from laboratory chemicals, it is imperative that the original papers reporting these formulations be consulted, because an understanding of storage stability and solubility of stock components is essential. Some cell culture-related chemicals appear in catalogues in two grades: a cheaper standard grade and a more expensive "cell culture " or "tested for cell culture" grade. This issue may have some merit; for example, early industrial batches of HEPES buffer, were inconsistent in levels of contaminants toxic to cultured cells, but this particular problem has not been of recent concern. At the least, reagent grade materials should be used; contaminating levels of lead, for instance, in poor quality NaCl or NaOH used for adjusting medium pH can contribute to cell toxicity.
For all cell culture reagents, HPLC-grade water is recommended. A number of filtration systems to produce HPLC-grade water are commercially available. Triple glass distillation is also fine, but less used these days. Storage of water purified earlier is not recommended, because even minimal microbial growth upon storage can lead to pyrogen contamination of the water. Algae can grow anywhere, and an ecosystem in which other microorganisms benefit from the algae can quickly develop. For large scale filtration, pump-driven or pressure-driven devices are available. These require some degree of assembly or sterilization and might be considered worthwhile of if the volume of medium to filter routinely exceeds 4 liters. Otherwise, disposable, sterile, plastic vacuum filtration devises may be used.
Serum is available from multiple companies, and batch to batch variation is the rule. It is common practice to request prior to purchase samples of various serum batches for testing with the particular cell system of interest. Serum can be stored long term at -70 to -90oC. Some serum lots are provided with an analysis of components of presumed general interest; of course this gives no insight regarding the components that are not assayed. It is recommended that sterility of any commercial solution, including serum, be treated with skepticism.
In situations in which serum-containing medium is used, a relatively safe approach is to filter the serum-containing medium as the last step, rather than adding presumed sterile serum to medium you have filtered. Medium can be tested for sterility after filtration by inoculation of a small volume into a larger volume of antibiotic-free medium and incubation for a few days, or by inoculation onto antibiotic-free LB agar plates. In general, it is recommended to store liquid medium frozen in 100-200 ml aliquots if possible. Most serum-containing media can be stored this way, but some serum-free media can precipitate upon freezing because of relatively high calcium and phosphate concentrations.
Liquid medium stored in the refrigerator may be warmed in a 37oC water bath for 10-15 minutes. If frozen, medium can be thawed in microwave for a few minutes on defrost setting. Glass bottles of serum stored at very low temperatures can present a problem when thawing. To prevent breaking the bottle, first place bottle at -20oC for 2 hours, then 4oC for 1 hour, then into a 37oC water bath. It is good practice to minimize the time any cell culture reagent is maintained in a warm environment prior to exposing to cells, because some of the relevant components are heat sensitive
Advances in cell culture in the last two decades have been made by supplementing or replacing serum with purified growth factors or hormones. Although some of the hormones are relatively cheap commercially, others, particularly the peptide growth factors, traditionally have been quite expensive. Recent progress in large scale production of recombinant products and peptide synthesis has led to price reductions for some of these. Unlike the approach one might routinely take with a serum supplement, these supplements generally should not be added directly to the medium, filtered and then the medium stored for later use. Stability problems dictate that most serum-free supplements are best added directly to medium in individual plates or flasks as small aliquots from concentrated stocks immediately after plating cells. Many peptide growth factors may be obtained as sterile, lyophilized powders from commercial sources and re-constituted with sterile water or buffered salt solutions as indicated by the vendors. Store sterile stock solutions of supplements in the refrigerator. Supplements may be stored long-term in the freezer in aliquots. Multiple freeze-thaws should be avoided.
予算があるならば、使い捨てのプラスチック製容器を使用してください。特に無血清培地で培養しなければならない細胞は、研究室の予算が許す限りプラスチック製の使い捨てタイプ容器を使用されることを推奨します。これは、ガラス容器専用の市販の洗剤は存在するものの、そのガラス容器を再利用した際に残在した溶剤が細胞に対し毒性を示すので、再現性が保証できるまで十分に洗浄するためにはかなりの労力と時間がかかる作業であるからです。 市販のプラスチック製培養容器は、接着もしくは初代培養用の細胞などの用途に用いられるため、化学的もしくは物理的な機能を有するように表面加工がなされています。これら容器はそれぞれの細胞培養システムに対して試験がなされています。しかしながら、これら細胞培養用の容器は、出荷の際や製造の段階において稀にダメージを受けていることがあり、視覚的に簡単に判別することができないことから、ある程度の品質に対する信頼性にも疑問が生じることもあります。もし微生物のコンタミがあった場合には、プラスチック容器自体の汚染原因も考慮に入れるべきでしょう。メーカーから市販されているプラスチック容器では、時々ほとんどの用途ではほぼ問題なく使用することが出来たのに、あるいくつかの細胞にとっては予測しなかった影響を与えるという変化もあるようです。
個別包装された滅菌済み綿栓プラスチックピペットは、細胞培養用のクリーンベンチ内での無菌作業には必要不可欠ですが、必要時にのみ使うべきであることを研究所のメンバーに対して認識してもらうことはコスト面において有効でしょう。滅菌された状態が必要ない作業では非包装のプラスチックピペットやガラス製の使い捨てピペットの使用が可能です。またこれと同様に、ピペットのサイズによりコストが異なるので、適切なサイズのピペットを使用することも効果的です。使い捨てのガラス製滅菌済み綿栓パスツールピペットは、価格も安く少量の作業の際にも使い勝手が良いでしょう。培地を作成した際に使用されたフラスコやシリンダー、混和棒、培地を保存していたガラスボトルなどは、使用後は直ぐにすすぎ洗いし、洗剤は使用せずにHPLCグレードの水で洗浄してください。細胞培養用に使用されるガラス容器は、過去に他の用途で使用されていないものを用いるようにしてください。 |
Cell culture plasticware and glassware
It is recommended to use plastic, disposable cell culture materials as much at the budget will allow. This is particularly true for serum-free cell culture. It is difficult and time consuming to wash reusable glassware sufficiently free of toxic detergent to guarantee reproducible success when using these in cell culture, although detergents sold commercially for use with cell culture glassware improve this situation. Some commercially available plasticware is advertised to have been chemically or physically altered to improve certain functions, such as adhesion or growth of primary cultures; these must be tested individually for each cell culture system. Cell culture vessels occasionally are damaged in shipping or improperly manufactured so that integrity is compromised in a way that is not immediately obvious visually. If microbial contamination suddenly appears, do not discount the possibility that the plasticware is faulty. Plastic formulations used by the commercial suppliers may change from time to time in ways that may be insignificant for the vast majority of user but may have unpredicted effects for some cell culture systems.
It may be useful to impress upon laboratory personnel that sterile, cotton-plugged, individually wrapped plastic pipettes are essential for sterile work in the cell culture hood, but should only be used when necessary. Unwrapped plastic pipets or glass disposable pipets are available for nonsterile manipulations. Similarly, the appropriate pipette size should be used, because cost goes up with increasing size of the pipette. Sterile, disposable, cotton plugged glass Pasteur pipettes are cheap and extremely versatile for small volume work. It is recommended that flasks, graduated cylinders, stir bars, etc. used in making up medium and glass bottles used to store medium be rinsed immediately after use and washed with HPLC-grade water without soap. Glassware used for cell culture work should never have been used previously for other purposes. |
オートクレーブには、家庭用の圧力鍋による蒸気滅菌が使用されていますが、このような手法では、それ自体が汚染されていることが多いことから、脱イオン水から出る蒸気で滅菌するオートクレーブを使用することを推奨いたします。汚染された蒸気は、ガラス製の表面に汚れが付着するので目視で確認することができます。その他、オートクレーブ処理のルールとしては、オートクレーブテープを使用しても滅菌性(特に大量の液体を処理する場合)は保証されないこと、窯の容量一杯に詰め込まないこと、ガラスのビンは板の上に置くこと、滅菌する容器を密閉してオートクレーブ処理しないこと、容器一杯に内容物を入れてオートクレーブ処理しないこと、などがありますので十分ご注意ください。 |
Routine laboratory equipment and procedures
Routine laboratory water baths are fine, and precise temperature control is usually not necessary. Water baths are a major source of contamination in a cell culture laboratory, and should be periodically cleaned and antimicrobial detergent added. After warming or thawing a container that will end up in a sterile hood, spray it down with 70% ethanol and wipe clean before placing into hood. Secure the thermostat setting on water baths located in tissue culture rooms so that they cannot be easily changed from 37oC. Microwave ovens and custom-built dry warmers are also fine, but care must be taken not to over heat with the microwave oven. Bench-top, clinical centrifuges without refrigeration are generally used for routine cell centrifugation. Centrifuges with timers are preferred, because the investigator is likely at the time of centrifugation, to be doing several things at the same time. A low-temperature freezer is extremely useful in a cell culture lab. Self-defrosting freezers should be avoided. Refrigeration should be in as dry an atmosphere as possible.
A vacuum flask hooked to house vacuum or a small vacuum pump and containing a decontamination solution (eg., 50 ml virex in a 1 or 2 liter flask) becomes convenient for removing medium from culture dishes when connected to a tube with a pipette on the end for removing the medium. Do not use bleach in the vacuum flask; the volatile bleach will destroy the pump. Disposable plastic pipets and other culture-ware contaminated with live cells should be disposed of in biohazard bags and autoclaved. To make biohazard bags ready for autoclaving, do not completely seal by tying or taping top shut. Loosely fold top over and tape, leaving room for pressure exchange.
House steam is commonly used for sterilization by autoclave. Such a source can be quite dirty, and an autoclave that generates its own steam from deionized water is recommended. Dirty steam may be obvious as a layer of scum on autoclaved glassware. Otherwise, the usual rules of autoclaving apply: using autoclave tape doesn't guarantee sterility (especially with large volumes of liquids); don't pack the autoclave completely full; place glass bottles in a pan of water; don't seal containers before autoclaving; don't autoclave full containers. |
Cell culture hoods
Answer: A commitment to cell culture techniques over the long term requires a hood that provides a sterile environment for manipulation of cells, solutions and culture vessels. Horizontal flow hoods are simple devices for maintaining a sterile working area in which filtered air is blown through a contained space directly at the investigator. Anything in the hood that impedes air flow compromises the capability of the system. To operate properly these hoods require a substantial air flow rate, and it usually is not feasible to use a burner to provide a sterilizing flame in these hoods. The high air flow rate also often contributes to rapid alkalization of culture medium that is buffered with bicarbonate only. It is not wise to work with poorly characterized transformed human cells, potentially infectious microorganisms, radioactivity or toxic or volatile solutions in horizontal flow hoods, because the investigator is unprotected from vapor or liquid droplets that might be generated in the hood and then blown out. Appropriate tasks for horizontal hoods include sterile filtration or dispensing of nontoxic solutions, sterile microdissections requiring a microscope in the work space, and culture of cells considered "safe".
Laminar flow hoods utilize a sterile air curtain blowing vertically in front of the investigator, usually with a glass barrier between the investigator and the hood work space below which is an opening for the investigators hands to enter the work space. The commonly used laminar flow hoods exhaust a fraction of the air through a filter and back into the room, and recycle the rest. This feature has the added attractions of producing a more sterile environment in the room itself and prolonging the lifer of the hood filters. As with the simpler hood types, cramming unnecessary stuff into the hood work-space will compromise sterile operation. Most hoods of a particular design are generally comparable in functionality, because all are built to satisfy standard specifications developed by the National Institutes of Health. It is possible to use a sterilizing flame in these hoods, but manufacturers warn that the flame disturbs the air flow and may thus jeopardize sterility in the hood work-space. If you choose to use a flame, one approach is to use a gas burner with a pilot flame that can be activated to the full flame when needed. Remote control foot pedals are available for these burners, freeing the investigators hands during operation.
Gas fires can occur in these hoods, especially if the burners, tubing or remote control devices malfunction. Inflammable, gas-tight tubing is recommended for connecting the gas outlet inside the hood to the burner. Many hoods have gas cutoff valves inside the work space. This design is of little use if the fire is also inside the work space. A better design includes an easily accessible gas cutoff valve outside the hood. House vacuum also is routinely plumbed into cell culture hoods to facilitate medium removal and vacuum filtration, and the vacuum cutoff valve is also routinely placed inside the hood work-place. The combination of an open vacuum line and a gas fire inside a contained hood space can create some interesting phenomena that might be best avoided. A gas fire in a cell culture hood may represent a larger danger than a comparable bench-top gas fire because of the increased air flow in the vicinity of the fire.
Some investigators leave hoods running constantly, helping to maintain a sterile environment in the general laboratory, others turn them off when not in use, conserving the lifetime of the motor and filter. These issues only become critical with 100% exhaust hoods and biohazardous work, in which it is recommended that the safest mode be maintained constantly. "Safe cultures" must be defined by each investigator; any culture could in principle be contaminated with a potential human pathogen, and human-derived material is considered by some to represent a risk uniformly. Even under presumed safe conditions, a hand held pipeting device is essential. The most popular style is small enough to be placed inside the hood, so it draws in (and therefore pushes out) sterile air, and various sizes of pipettes can be attached. These are available as both house current-driven and battery powered models.
Laminar flow hoods may introduce a false sense of security to the point that an investigator may conclude that the normal rules of sterile technique need no longer apply inside the hood work-space. The open space at the bottom of the hood window is designed for insertion of hands, but it will also allow the insertion of other, less desirable appendages. Difficulties in manipulations inside the hood space or impeded view through the hood glass may lead one to stick all or part of one's head inside the hood. This is undesirable from a number of points of view.
Another problem is a tendency of personnel to use the laminar flow hood for procedures in which this level of protection is not needed, simply because it is conveniently plumbed with gas and vacuum. If sufficiently unsupervised, the most unsterile of laboratory components, including antibiotic resistant bacterial or fungal cultures, could find their way into the hood. For these and other reasons, it is advisable to spray the inside of the hood with 70% ethanol and wipe away the excess before hood use. Allow the hood to run for a few minutes after this before you light the flame on the burner, especially if you have long hair, a beard or flammable clothing. |
倒立位相差顕微鏡が必須で、予算が許す限り上位機種の使用を推奨いたします。いくつかは硬い金属製の安定な外部可動部に潤滑油を要するタイプです。他のデザインでは、より柔らかい金属円盤製で日々の作業による摩耗により装置から生じた金属粒子のために潤滑油を要するタイプもあります。これらは、最終的には重力に対するセットポジションを維持する能力を失うか、不正確な設定になってしまうでしょう。これまでは、レンズや他の部品を製造メーカー間で相互交換することが可能であり驚くほどでした。今ではこの状況は逆転し、ある顕微鏡メーカーから出されたモデルはその機種専用のレンズでしか使えず、その同じメーカーから以前に出されていたモデルにさえ交換できない状況となってしまいました。 |
An inverted phase microscope is essential, and the best one that the budget allows is recommended. Some are designed to require external lubrication of moving parts; these are made of hard metal and last longer. The other design is made of softer medal and relies for lubrication on small particles of metal scuffed from the apparatus by everyday movement. Eventually these models loose the ability to maintain a set position against gravity or become imprecise in settings. Previously, specifications were sufficiently common among manufacturers that lenses and other parts were interchangeable to a surprising degree. This situation has reversed in recent years to the point that lenses for some models from a single microscope manufacturer are not exchangeable even with earlier models from that manufacturer. |
Liquid nitrogen tanks
Liquid nitrogen tanks for storage of frozen cells vary from relatively small to very large, with and without automatic nitrogen level sensing and filling capability. It is easier to retrieve cells from small tanks, but they are less conservative of liquid nitrogen. It has been argued that cells should be stored in vapor phase nitrogen above the liquid. Advantages are that the vials are less likely to fill with liquid and then explode when warmed up, and that cross contamination of vials by microorganisms via the liquid is minimized. These advantages must be weighed against the greater potential for the tanks to go dry because little liquid exists in the tank to compensate for warming. |
タンクは900lb(408kg)もの圧力を受けていますが、2段階の調節機能を持つスイッチボックスによりおよそ15lb(6.8kg)の圧力まで下げられます。一本のタンクから、2つのチャンバーそれぞれを備えたインキュベーター二台にガスを供給(計4つの培養器)することが出来、およそ2週間の間ガスを供給出来るでしょう。圧力計が空に近づいてくると900lb(408kg)が0になるまでにほぼ3~5日しかもたないでしょう。圧力がゼロになった場合には、スイッチボックスがガスを供給するタンクを自動的にバックアップのタンクに切り替えてくれるでしょう。この時点で3番目のタンクを空になったタンクと交換し補充のため発注をしてください。稀に、配電箱につながっているガスの配管にヒビが入っていたり、接続が甘くなっていることがあります。ガス漏れの音は聞こえる場合と聞こえない場合がありますが、このような場合には通常よりもガスの減りが早くなります。このような場合には、配電箱を分解して直す(最初にプラグを抜いてください!)ことが可能で、問題の配管を調整してつなぎ直すか取り替えるようにしてください。 |
The simplest reliable CO2 incubator is a water-jacketed chamber with removable shelves inside and control for gas flow, a pan in the bottom for water, a water jacket heater and thermostat with overheating protection. Both shelving and the frame that holds the shelves inside the incubator should be removable for sterilization, and a antimicrobial detergent should be added routinely to the water pan. More sophisticated incubators with considerable gadgetry can be purchased, including sensing and automatic control of gas and humidity levels, copper walls, chamber fans, and individual compartmentation inside the chamber. Eventually, a CO2-sensing and control device will pay for itself in gas savings, but this will take longer than might be expected, because a major fraction of the cost of CO2 is cylinder rental. Fans in incubators are useful when precise temperature control is required, as in work with temperature-sensitive mutants, because an undisturbed incubator chamber develops a humidity and temperature gradient from bottom to top. A disadvantage of a fan in the chamber is the potential for increased spread of microbial contamination throughout the incubator because of the increased air circulation. Copper incubator walls are argued to be antimicrobial, but are expensive. Incubators without water jackets, commonly used with roller bottle or spinner cultures, generally have fans but usually do not have gas flow control. These incubators rapidly return to ambient temperature if power is interrupted.
Some incubators are designed so that external pressured air is unnecessary. In incubators that require continuous air flow, pressurized air derived from a central building source may be undesirable because the compressor introduces oil into the system each time it engages. Air can be supplied by simple, electrically powered aquarium pumps. Incubators can be modified or purchased to use a three gas mixture (eg., oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide) instead of the routine air-carbon dioxide mixture. Humidity is best maintained by bubbling the entering gas through the water pan at the bottom of the chamber. Because of the humidity gradient, it may be useful to routinely place cell culture plates on the bottom shelves and flasks on the top shelves to minimize evaporation from the plates.
An effective approach for carbon dioxide gas delivery is a system in which three 50 lb standard grade carbon dioxide tanks are secured to a wall, with two tanks connected to an electronic switch box. These boxes are commercially available and activate an audible alarm if they sense no gas pressure. The switch-box automatically switches from an empty tank to a full tank, and gas supply also can be switched from tank to tank manually using a toggle switch on the front of the unit. One of the connected tanks is a full back-up, while the other supplies carbon dioxide to the incubators.
Tanks are received with about 900 lbs pressure and are stepped down to about 15 lbs pressure at the switch-box with a two step regulator. A single tank can supply gas to two double incubators (four chambers) for approximately two weeks. When a tank approaches empty, the tank pressure gauge will fall from 900 to zero over 3 to 5 days. At zero pressure the electronic switch will automatically transfer supply from the now empty tank to the back-up tank.The third tank then replaces the empty one, and a new one is ordered. Occasionally, the gas line tubing used inside the electronic switches will become cracked, or unseated on its fittings. The escaping gas may or may not be audible, but the tank will empty much more rapidly than normal. These problems can be remedied by dismantling the box (unplug it first!), trimming or replacing the faulty tubing and reseating. |
電力供給や、ガス供給システム、排気などが遮断されたことによる影響に関して、特別な配慮が必要とされるものには、陽圧、陰圧の研究室、100%排気のラミナ―フローフードのある研究室や危険物用の換気フードのある研究室などがあげられます。これらには、研究室への吸気と排気、危険物用の換気フードからの排気と細胞培養フードからの排気などが含まれます。 例えば、研究室の培養フードの操作が終了した際に、研究室にある排気フードが常に加わっていた力が遮断されたことにより緊急用電源に切り替わることにより危険性が生じます。これは、潜在的に危険性のある研究材料が細胞培養フードから吸引され部屋に引かれることがあるからです。
非常用電源により細胞培養用のラミナフローフードが運転され、排気フードが運転されていない状態、もしくは弱く運転されている場合において似たような状況が起こり得ます。更に、通常運転されているものが止められた場合に研究室へどのように供給と排気がなされるかによって、潜在的に危険性のある材料が研究室から建物の空気循環システムへ入り込む可能性もあります。これらの重大な問題点は、機器のデザインを決める際や導入の際やこれらの定期点検を行う時点において、エンジニアと組織の生物学的安全性担当者に相談するべきでしょう。 |
Laboratory design
Attention should be given to placement of the cell culture hood in the laboratory to minimize air flow that may interfere with hood function and to minimize exposure to air- or personnel-borne contaminating particulates. This might best be accomplished by relegating cell culture equipment to small rooms that are not high traffic laboratory areas, or by designating a particular corner of a larger laboratory for cell culture purposes. In a small room with a standard laminar flow hood, the sterile exhaust from the hood itself will help maintain sterility in the room.
It is best to place the cell culture hood outside the influence of any high velocity laboratory fume hoods that might compromise cell culture hood function. Incubator, microscope and centrifuge should be a close as possible to the cell culture hood work-space to minimize physical movement of the cultures. Cell culture work even in the most efficient environment involves considerable transfer of vessels from hood to microscope to incubator, etc., and economy of movement helps prevent disasters.
If all of the above elements can be accommodated in a small, dedicated cell culture room, then it may be worthwhile to plumb a carbon dioxide gas line to the incubator from a larger laboratory room. This avoids the possibility of a potentially dangerous gas leak in a small room, and also makes the cylinders, regulators and alarms accessible to a larger number of people to prevent oversights and emergencies. Although CO2 itself is not a toxic gas, carbon dioxide is heavier than air and will sink to the floor. A room suddenly filled with the gas can cause asphyxiation, and the latter is also true for nitrogen. If you enter a laboratory and hear a rush of gas or have other suspicion that a gas line might be broken, the best course of action may be to vacate the room immediately, leaving all doors open behind you, and seek help before you proceed.
Often a sticky mat is placed at the entrance to a cell culture room to trap particulates on the shoes of entering personnel. Some laboratories incorporate airlock or anterooms, positive or negative pressure barriers or intercoms for communication between rooms, but these may be a serious consideration only if experiments of a hazardous nature are contemplated. Malfunction alarms are useful on freezers, liquid nitrogen tanks and positive or negative pressure rooms. Most laminar flow hoods, especially those designed for 100% exhaust, have alarms to indicate insufficient air flow or exhaust.
Thought should be given to the default situation if electrical power fails in a cell culture laboratory. For instance, using the carbon dioxide gas switch-boxes described above, gas flow will stop when power fails, because the regulator boxes are controlled electrically. In this case it is ideal also to use electrically pumped air to the incubators, so all air flow will also stop in the incubators. Under these conditions tolerable atmosphere and temperature will be maintained for hours in a water jacketed incubator if incubator the doors are not opened.
A roller bottle or spinner incubator without water jacket will require more attention. Battery-powered emergency systems are available for these incubators that can maintain the bottles turning, the spinners spinning and the temperature correct for a short period. In an emergency flasks containing cells can simply be screwed tightly shut and left a ambient temperature. Most mammalian cell types will survive at room temperature as long as proper pH is maintained.
Negative or positive pressure rooms or rooms with 100% exhaust laminar flow cell culture hoods and fume hoods for use with hazardous materials require special consideration with regard to power interruption and configuration of supply and exhaust air sources. This includes room supply and exhaust, fume hood exhaust and cell culture hood exhaust. For instance, a room in which the cell culture hood ceases to operate, but a fume hood in the room switches to emergency power when routine power is interrupted can present a hazard, because potentially hazardous material can be drawn out of the cell culture hood and into the room.
A similar situation may occur if the laminar flow cell culture hood continues to operate on emergency power but the fume hood does not operate, or operates at reduced air flow. Furthermore, under these circumstances potentially hazardous material could further escape the room and enter the building air supply, depending on how the room supply and exhaust is configured to respond when regular power is interrupted. These serious issues require consultation with engineers and institutional biosafety officers at the time of design and installation of the equipment and regular inspection thereafter.
組織は、フード下で培養用ディッシュに移し、余分なもの(脂肪や膜、他の組織や骨、凝固血液、寄生虫、毛)はそぎ落してから、適切な溶液(PBS ; Ca, Mg free)で洗浄してください。組織は、ハサミで裁断し、適切な分離溶液でインキュベートしてください。
簡易的な分離用の溶液には、PBS(Ca,Mg free)で希釈したトリプシン溶液(0.25% トリプシン+EDTA)があります。なお、PBSは重炭酸バッファー化されていないため、バッファーとして使用する場合にはCO2インキュベーターには入れないでください。各種の組織初代培養細胞は、コラゲナーゼ、ヒアルロニダーゼ、DNAseまたは他のプロテアーゼを必要とし、順序良く細胞分散させて下さい。死細胞から放出される染色体を分解するためにDNAseを使用したり、DNAに関連するたんぱく質を分解するためにタンパク分解活性を有するトリプシン溶液を使用し、DNAが水和されることで溶液の粘性が増加します。この様に、DNAseはタンパク質と分離したDNAを消化するので、いくつかのトリプシン溶液には、十分のDNAseが含まれる様に調整されたものもあります。凝集塊が分解される過程は顕微鏡で観察することが可能で、懸濁液を定期的にピペッティングし撹拌してください。
初代培養細胞は、調整の度に性質が異なるため、血球計算板でカウントしてから播種する方が良いでしょう。培養初期の浮遊状態の細胞は生存率が低いため、初代細胞の播種密度は、継代後の細胞密度よりも高くしておくべきでしょう。培養8~16時間後に播種後デブリス除去のため培地の交換を実施してください。摘出する組織やそれをどう調整したかにより、培養の初期段階で非接着性の赤血球が大量に混入することがあります。培養初期では様々な細胞が混在することがありますが、何回かの継代をすることで、均一な細胞になるでしょう。 |
Initiation of primary cultures
Small animals from which tissue is to be obtained may be best killed by CO2 asphyxiation or cervical dislocation, because anesthesia may have effects on the cells to be cultured. The outside of the animal can be swabbed with 70% ethanol to sterilize before removing the tissues. Flaming is discouraged, particularily on alcohol-soaked, hairy animals.
Tissue is removed with sterile instruments (autoclaved or dipped in 70% ethanol) under a tissue culture hood with sterile instruments. For usual jobs several pair of sharp scissors and forceps are adequate.
Tissues are placed in a culture dish under a hood, trimmed of unwanted material (fat, membranes, other tissues, bone, blood clots, parasites, hair) and washed with a suitable solution (eg., phosphate buffered saline without calcium or magnesium). Tissues are minced with scissors and incubated with an appropriate disaggregation solution.
The simplest might be a trypsin solution (0.25% crude trypsin with 1 mM ethylenediamine-tetraacetate (EDTA) in phosphate buffered saline without calcium or magnesium). If PBS is used as the buffer, do not incubate the samples in a carbon dioxide incubator, because PBS is not bicarbonate buffered. Primary culture of some tissues may call for additional collagenase, hyaluronidase, DNAse, or other proteases, exposed to cells in a defined sequence. DNAse is sometimes used because dead cells will release chromatin, and the protease activity of the trypsin solution will destroy the DNA-associated proteins, leading to hydration of the freed DNA and a noticeable increase in viscosity of the suspension. DNAse will digest the released material. Some crude trypsin solutions may contain sufficient contaminating DNAse to prevent this problem. The progress of disaggregation can be monitored with a microscope and the suspension should be pipetted or agitated periodically.
The point at which the incubation is terminated depends on the cell type to be cultured. For some cell types, the appropriate point is reached when the major portion of the cells are single cells; for other cell types one should stop when the cells primarily exist as aggregates of a dozen or less cells. In general one should not extend the initial incubation for long periods in an attempt to obtain an entirely homogeneous single cell suspension, because lengthy incubations will lead to cell death. The larger chunks of tissue may be allowed to settle for a few seconds in a centrifuge tube, and the cell suspension removed and centrifuged in a bench top centrifuge. Cells are resuspended in the appropriate culture medium, counted and plated. Cells from the larger chunks that settled from the suspension may be further harvested by repeating the procedures described above.
Cells for primary culture are best counted with a hemocytometer prior to plating because of the heterogeneous nature of the preparation. Often the primary culture plating density should be higher than densities which should be used at later passage because the majority of cells in the initial suspension will not survive or grow in culture. Change medium 8 to 16 hours after plating to remove debris. A significant amount of nonadherent red blood cells may be present in the initial plating, depending on the nature of the tissue and how the tissue was prepared in the early steps.The cells in initial culture may represent multiple cell types, but the cultures become more homogeneous upon multiple passage. |
初代細胞や継代の浅い初期の接着細胞には、限界希釈法より、クローニングリングを使用する方が良いでしょう。継代の浅い初期の接着細胞では、一般的に低密度での培養は適していません。クローニングリングを外したら、密度が高くなるように小さいウェルプレート(24well プレート)に播種する方が良いでしょう。浮遊細胞では、もし低密度での生育が難しいのであれば、限界希釈法でコンディション培地を使用してクローンを作成すると良いでしょう。
Multipassage culture and cloning
Passaging of suspension cultures may be accomplished simply by dilution, or by centrifugation of cells out of the old culture medium and resuspension into a larger volume of fresh medium. For routine passaging of adherent cells, the medium is removed, trypsin/EDTA solution is added and the cells incubated until detached. All cells of primary culture may not detach at the same rate, and some may not detach at all. The percentage of cells that will detach upon routine trypsinization increases upon multiple passage because of the selection for less strongly attached cells. A volume of serum-containing medium equal to the volume of trypsin/EDTA solution is added and the cells are centrifuged, resuspended and replated in fresh medium.
Often by the second or third passage, the culture may be sufficiently homogeneous to allow counting by cell counter designed for such purposes. Patent and market considerations dictate that the mostly likely automated cell counter available will be a Coulter Counter. These are sufficiently complicated to require routine maintenance and occasional trouble shooting. Phosphate buffered solutions used for counting cells require filtration before use. These should be free of particulates that may interfere with counting, but need not be strictly sterile. If the background count is greater than 50-60, flush the system and check for debris in the reservoir, dispenser, probe, etc. Cell counts should be maintained between 1,000 to 35,000 per 0.5 ml counted, with corrections applied when counts exceed 10,000.
Always keep the electrode in an appropriate solution. The pump should be oiled weekly and glass stopcocks greased monthly. Splitting of the mercury column indicates that the mercury should be changed or the mercury and glassware cleaned. Using new mercury may be preferable to acid cleaning.
Cloning of primary or early passage adherent cells is best accomplished with cloning rings, rather than by the limiting dilution method. Early passage cells generally do not tolerate culture at low cell densities well. After removal with cloning rings, the cells may be placed in small wells (eg., 24-well plates) in order to maximize cell density. Suspension cultures may be cloned by limiting dilution, using conditioned medium if survival at low cell density is a problem. |
細胞の起眠率を最大限にするためには、一般的には、凍結の際に徐々に温度を下げること、融解時には素早く溶かすことが重要です。細胞は、10%の血清と10%DMSOを含む培地で凍結しますが、溶解時の生存率は細胞によりまちまちです。ある細胞種では、90%の子牛血清(Calf Serum)もしくは胎児牛血清(fetal calf serum)に、10%DMSOを加えた培地で凍結したら、良い起眠率が得られています。これら溶液は、フィルター滅菌後に-20℃が可能です。凍結する場合、細胞はトリプシン処理後、遠心回収し、凍結保存用培地で5 x 10(5) to 2 x 10(6) cells/mlの濃度となるように再懸濁し、凍結バイアルに1mlづつ分注して保存してください。
凍結するための冷却装置には 温度コントロール制御が可能な装置もありますが、簡単な方法としては、まずは4℃で30分間静置し、発砲スチロール断熱された容器へ移してから-86oCの低温フリーザーで一晩静置し、それから液体窒素へ入れる方法もあります。4℃と-86oC低温フリーザーの間に、数時間-20oCもしくは-60℃などのより低温のフリーザーで静置していただくことも可能ですが、必須ではありません。
Freezing cells
Cells are usually frozen slowly and thawed quickly for maximal survival. Cells may be frozen in 10%-serum-containing 10% dimethyl sulfoxide DMSO, and viability upon thawing may vary, depending on the cell type. Greater success with some cell types can be achieved in a freezing medium of 90% calf or fetal calf serum and 10% DMSO. After filter sterilization, these solutions may be stored at -20oC. For freezing, cells are trypsinized, centrifuged, resuspended at a concentration of 5 x 10(5) to 2 x 10(6) cells/ml in the freezing medium and 1 ml aliquoted into each freezing vial.
Although devices are available for precisely controlled freezing of cells, a simple way is the following: refrigerate (4oC) for 30 minutes; transfer to a styrofoam-insulated container and place in a low temperature freezer at -86oC overnight, then transfer into liquid nitrogen. A -20oC incubation of a few hours may also be inserted between the refrigerator and low temperature freezer, but may not be essential.
To thaw cells, wearing goggles, remove the vial from the liquid nitrogen and warm the cells in a 37oC water bath as quickly as possible until ice is completely gone. Be careful; thawing a vial that explodes because of rapid expansion of nitrogen trapped inside can be a deafening, blinding or otherwise dangerous experience for you and others that may be around. Transfer the contents to a flask or plate and change medium in the flask as soon as cells have settled and stuck to the flask to remove the DMSO. Alternatively, one may centrifuge the vial contents diluted with culture medium, resuspend the pellet in fresh medium and transfer to a flask or plate.
For the long-term storage of primary material, cell suspensions derived from the initial disaggregation may be frozen in liquid nitrogen in medium with 10% dimethylsulfoxide and serum, as described above. However, the cells must be reasonably desegregated for good viability upon thawing, since large clumps of cells do not freeze or thaw evenly, leading to cell death. |
Barnes, D., Sirbasku, D. and Sato, G., editors., Cell Culture Methods For Molecular and Cell Biology, 4 Volumes, Wiley-Liss, 1984.
Barnes, D. and Sirbasku, D. editors, Methods In Enzymology; Peptide Growth Factors, Volume 146, Part A, 452 pages, and Volume 147, Part B, 487 pages, Academic Press, Inc., N.Y, l987.
Barnes, D., Mather, J. and Sato, G. editors, Methods In Enzymology; Peptide Growth Factors, Volume 198, Part C, 580 pages, Academic Press, Inc., N.Y, 1991.
Butler, M. J., Animal Cell Culture and Technology, IRL Press, 1997.
Darling D. C. and Morgan S. J., Animal Cells: Culture and Media, 151 pages, John Wiley and Sons, 1994.
Darling, D. C. and Morgan, S. J., Animal Cell Culture: Introduction to Biotechniques, Bios Scientific Pubublishers Ltd, 1994.
Doyle, D., Hay, R. and Kirsop, B. E., editors, Animal Cells: Living Resources for Biotechnology, Cambridge University Press, 1991.
Freshney, R. I., Editor, Animal Cell Culture: A Practical Approach, 329 pages, IRL Press, 1992.
Freshney, R. I., Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Techniques, 3rd Edition, 486 pages, Wiley-Liss, 1994.
Harrison, M. A. amd Rae, I. F., General Techniques of Cell Culture (Handbooks in Practical Animal Cell Biology), Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Jakoby, W. B., and Pastan, I. H., Methods In Enzymology; Cell Culture, Volume 58, 642 pages, Academic Press., Inc., 1979.
Murakami, H., Yamane, I., Hayashi, I., Mather, J., Barnes, D, and Sato, G. eds., Growth and Differentiation of Cells in Defined Environments; 484 pages, Springer-Verlag, Inc., 1985.
Pollard, J. W. and Walker, J. M., Animal Cell Culture. Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 5, Humana Press, 1990.
Various editors, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989-current.
Wasley, J. D., and May, J. W., Animal Cell Culture Methods, Lippincott-Raven Publishers, 1971. |
マウスESCに関する一般的な播種密度は下記のとおりです。 |
What is the range of plating densities for mouse ESC?
Typical plating densities for mouse ESC are provided as following |
未分化なES細胞のコロニーはその輪郭が黒くはっきりと確認出来コロニーの周辺を未分化なES細胞の形態とは明らかに異なる平らな細胞(下記Figureを参照)囲んでいるのがわかります。 |
How can I distinguish between differentiated and undifferentiated mouse ESC?
The morphologies of spontaneously differentiated ES cells are not necessarily identical and can be dependent on the cause of differentiation: poor feeder quality, inappropriate feeder density and/or low LIF concentration, use of expired media, etc.
Colonies are surrounded by flattened cells (see Figure) that differ morphologically from the undifferentiated ES cells in the centre, often the ES cells at the colony's edge appear dark and spiky. |
単層の細胞様の平らなコロニーは、円のような境界線に囲まれています。 |
-Large colonies with necrotic centers, the ESC appear as cells with defined boundaries: happens to cells which were not passaged for several days.
Colonies appear as individual cells rather than as cynical mass, often the cell nucleus is clearly visible in differentiated ES cells.
Flattened colonies that appear as single-cell layers surrounded by a circle-like boundary. |
平均的には、細胞密度やコロニーの大きさが下記の画像と同様、もしくはそれ以上である場合には、継代したほうが良いでしょう。 |
When should mouse ESC be passaged?
Mouse ES cells should be passaged before they reach confluency. The cells will differentiate if they come into contact with each other or are allowed to grow too large.
Routinely, mouse ES cells should be passaged every 1-2 days.
The split ratio is determined based on the cell count and the correct plating densities for the culture flasks used. Do not use a split ratio greater than 1:7.
On average, it is good to passage if you see that the density and size of the colonies is equal to or greater then the colonies in the following picture. |
DMSO溶媒は高温において細胞に対する毒性を示すことから、溶解後にすぐ取り除かない場合には致命的なダメージを与えかねません。一般的な細胞培養の手順書に記載があるとおり、すべての準備を整えてからバイアルを溶解することは非常に重要です。凍結バイアルは素早く溶解し、再凍結は避けてください。ほとんど溶解したことが確認されたら、バイアルから細胞を吸い上げて、37℃で温めておいた培地に加えてください。温めておいた余分な培地を使用して空のバイアルをリンスするのは、再構成された細胞の懸濁液中に存在するDMSO濃度を薄めるだけでなく、バイアルの底に残っている細胞を全て回収するために行います。もしくは、細胞内に入り込んだDMSOが細胞外へ排除されるための時間を与えるために30分以上の時間をかけて段階希釈を行うことで、急激な希釈による細胞の浸透圧ストレスを緩和することも可能になります。 |
Is there any special attention that must be paid when thawing ES cells?
Dimethyl sulfoxide solvent is toxic to cells at higher temperatures and may prove fatal if not removed post thaw. As described in the general procedures of the cell line, all preparations should be complete before a vial is to be thawed. Frozen vials should be thawed quickly to avoid recrystallization. Cells should be removed from the vial and placed in warm media (37oC) when it is observed that the thaw is nearly complete. The vial should then be rinsed with additional amounts of warm media to collect residual cells as well as to dilute the DMSO concentration in the reconstituted suspension. Alternatively, a stepwise dilution may be performed over 30 minutes to reduce osmotic stresses placed on the cells during a more rapid dilution as well as to give intracellular DMSO time to diffuse into extracellular space. |
ヒト由来のES細胞は、マウスのES細胞と比べるとかなり生育が遅いでしょう。マウスのES細胞のコロニーが播種後その日のうちに確認が出来るのに対し、ヒトES細胞のコロニーがようやく確認ができる程度までになるには更にもう一日かかり、また完全に樹立されたヒトES細胞コロニーとして分割できるようになるまでには、平均で最高5日~6日かかるでしょう。ヒトES細胞を播種後48時間までは培地交換を行いませんが、その後24時間ごとに培地交換を実施してください。 |
Do hES cells grow at a different rate than mouse ES cells?
Human ES cells grow significantly slower than mouse ES cells. Where mouse ES cell colonies are visible the day after plating, it may take an hES cell colony another day to become readily noticeable and can take on average up to five or six days before a fully established hES cell colony is ready to split. Media changes are not performed during the first 48 hours on hES cell cultures, but are performed every 24 hours thereafter. |
ヒトESCを培養するための、推奨されるフィーダー細胞(MEF)の培養密度について |
What is the range of plating densities for hESC?
Recommended feeder cells (MEF) density for culturing hES |
これは、ヒトES細胞を培養するために使用されるMEFの一般的な播種密度です。いくつかの細胞株では他の細胞に比べ生育がより難しいものもあります。この場合には更に多くのMEFフィーダー細胞を必要とすることもあります。ご購入された各細胞に添付されているプロダクトインフォメーションシートに従い、培養するようにしてください。ヒトES細胞のコロニーは、溶解や継代の際、凍結の際には凝集塊のまま分散させずにしておくことで回復率が良くなるでしょう。 |
This is general recommendation of MEF plating density for culturing hES cells. Some lines are more difficult to grow than others. They may require more MEF feeder cells. Refer to production information sheet for the specific cell line you purchased. hES cell colonies are recommended to be kept in aggregates during thawing, passaging and freezing to ensure the best recovery. |
How will I be able to distinguish between differentiated and undifferentiated hES cells when grown on mouse feeder cells?
The morphologies of spontaneously differentiated hES cells are not necessarily identical and can be dependent on the cause of differentiation: poor feeder quality, inappropriate feeder density, use of expired media, etc.
The appearance of flattened cells is characteristic of a colony undergoing differentiation is around its border surrounding undifferentiated ES cells at its center. This is often accompanied with the disappearance of the defined halo seen around undifferentiated colonies. In addition, differentiated cells deviate from the normal morphology of undifferentiated stem cells and often appear larger and darker when observed through a phase objective. |
分割できる状態になったヒトES細胞のコロニー形態やサイズに関する特徴が下記写真で掲載されています。 |
When should hESC be passaged?
Care should be taken not to allow ES cell colonies to overgrow. Splitting when semi-confluent will help reduce the formation of large colonies which are more resistant to dissociation and more likely to undergo differentiation or cell death.
Close attention should be paid to growth rate, colony size, and morphology when monitoring human ES cell colonies in order to determine an optimal split date and ratio. On average, human ES cells should be passaged on the fifth or sixth day following the previous split.
The picture shown below exemplifies the morphology and size characteristic of a human ES cell colony ready to split. |
ヒトES細胞は、マウスES細胞に比べ、凍結過程における影響に対して非常に敏感です。溶解後のヒトESCのの生存率は、かなり低いでしょう。しかしながら、生き残った細胞からは、1週間以内に目視で確認出来る程度のコロニーが現われてくるでしょう。ヒトES細胞はシングルセルとしては生き残ることができず、凍結や継代の際には小さな凝集塊として取り扱わねばなりません。しかしながら、すべての細胞は凍結過程においてダメージをうけるでしょう。凍結融解時に細胞膜内側に形成される氷の結晶によって細胞膜構造がダメージを受けます。凍結防止剤が凍結保存用培地に加えられることで、氷点を下げ、細胞中の水分を逃し、もしくは細胞膜を通じて細胞内のイオンや成分を溶液中へ運搬することで細胞内ので氷の結晶が形成されるのを防ぎます。ATCCで使用している凍結保存培地には、10%(1.4M)容量のDMSOが添加されています。急激に凍結をすると、細胞から水が放出される時間が十分にとれないために、一般的には望ましくない手法です。ゆっくり凍結することで、凍る前に細胞外の培地が細胞内へ入り込むことが出来るので最適な方法であると言えます。最適な凍結保存剤の濃度や、冷却率は細胞によって様々です。 |
What effect does freezing have on Mouse and Human ESC?
Human ES cells are more sensitive to the freezing process than Mouse ES cells. The viability of hESC after thaw can be very low. However, visible colonies from those cells that do survive should appear within a week. Human ES cells also do not survive well as single cells and must be frozen or passaged as small clumps. However, all cells can be negatively affected by the freezing process. Cell structures are damaged during the freezing and thawing processes due mainly to the formation of ice crystals within the cell membrane. A cryoprotectant is usually added to cryopreservation media to lower the freezing point, dehydrate cells, or to carry intracellular ions and compounds through the cell membrane in solution in order to reduce the potential for ice formation within a cell. The cryopreservation media we currently use contains 10% (1.4 M) dimethyl sulfoxide by volume. A rapid rate of freezing is generally not desired as it does not allow ample time for water to be expelled from a cell. A slower rate of freezing is preferable as it allows media in extracellular space to freeze before media in intracellular space. The optimal cryoprotectant concentration and rate of freezing may vary for each cell line. |
LIF(白血病抑制因子)はマウスES細胞を培養する際に分化を抑制するために使用される添加物です。フィーダー細胞が使用されていても添加します。しかしながら、LIFがヒトES細胞に対して有効であるかは不明です。LIFをヒトESC培養用培地に加えている研究室もいくつかありますが、そうしていない研究室もあります。まずは、それぞれの細胞専用に提供されている培養手順に従って培養するのが一番最適な手法と言えます。 |
Must LIF be used for both human and mouse ES culture?
LIF (leukemia inhibitory factor) is used in Mouse ES culture to prevent cell differentiation. It is added even in the presence of a feeder layer. However, it is unclear whether LIF is in any way beneficial for Human ES culture. Some laboratories add LIF to their Human ESC Medium and others do not. It is best to follow the culture protocols provided for each specific cell line. |